Part 42: Pre Birthday Celebration

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Since lots of you are asking to extend i think i will do it. Let's us see for how long😂
Well thank you everyone. Today was hectic couldn't reply each one of you but I will try now.
Hope you guys will like this part. If you do, don't forget to vote❤️❤️❤️

Pranbir house:
They were watching movie together on the couch. Prachi was sitting in between Ranbir while he was hugging her from behind. The only lights was coming from the tv as they switched everything else off.
They were watching horror movie but instead were laughing at some scenes.
Ranbir:"Sam said it was a good movie, i thought it would be scary but nope."
Prachi chuckled.
Prachi:"it's still a good movie not scary though."

Ranbir:"are you sure for the weekend?"
Prachi:"yes, i am actually excited to meet them and celebrate your birthday with them all."
Ranbir, teasingly:"you know you could give me my birthday gift from today itself."
Prachi:"and what would that be?"
Ranbir:"lots of kisses and hugs."

Prachi looked at him.
Prachi, also thought to tease him:"when is your birthday?"
Prachi:"so you will get lots of kisses and hugs on Sunday itself."
Ranbir acted to be annoyed but then an idea struck him.
Ranbir:"you remember our challenge that you lost right?"
Prachi recalled how she again lost to him last Saturday and he said that he will ask her for something afterwards. Looks like he decided.

Prachi:"no i don't remember."
Ranbir:"ohh, should i remind you?" She could hear the mischievous glint in his voice.
But she thought to play along.
Prachi:"ok, let's have a rematch."
She was about to get up but he held her by the waist and stopped her.
Ranbir:not a rematch, i have other ways to remind you."
He moved her hair on one side and slide down her dress stripe. He kissed her shoulder. Prachi closed her eyes feeling his kisses. She turned around hugging him.
He could feel her uneven breath on his neck. He made her look at him and kissed her lips lightly. And then started to kissed her more passionately.

Suddenly, they jerked apart as Prachi's phone rung. Ranbir frustratedly run his hand in his hair messing with them.
Prachi checked it and saw it was Shahana.
Ranbir:"Aryan wasn't enough, now Shahana also is interrupting our romance."
Prachi answered the phone chuckling. She returned to her initial position.
Ranbir rested his chin on her shoulders.

Prachi:"yes, Shahana."
Shahana, happily:"Prachi... Prachi.... Prachi. I am so happy."
Prachi was confused hearing her.
Prachi:"what happened like this?"
Shahana:"Aryan and I are together."

Prachi, surprised:"what?"
Ranbir looked at her worried and signed her what happened.
Shahana:"yes, yes. We are together."
Prachi sat up straight and listening attentively.
Prachi, happily:"really? How? When? Say everything quickly."
Ranbir was confused. First Prachi was shocked and now happy.

Shahana:"what do i tell you, Prachi? I feel like i am flying with happiness. He finally said it."
Prachi chuckled while Ranbir was constantly asking her what happened.

Prachi whispered to him:"Aryan and Shahana are finally together."
Prachi happily nodded.

Ranbir:"that betrayer, he hasn't yet tell me. Where is my phone?"
He started searching for his phone under the cushions.
Prachi pointed to his phone on the table.

Ranbir:"I was the one who helped him realise his feelings and that betrayer didn't tell me this good news. I won't spare him."

Ranbir went inside the room while rebuking Aryan.
They spent time talking about the new relationship of their siblings.
Prachi was more excited than anyone one. They both were really happy .

Aryan called Ranbir and asked him to buy something for him and Ranbir has been shopping for hours now.
Ranbir:"what yaar? I showed you more than 30 pieces. I have been here for hours man."
Aryan was also feeling bad but he knew Prachi wasn't done yet for the surprise.
After one hour, Prachi messaged Aryan.

Aryan:"bro, leave it. I will order it online."
Ranbir:"seriously? Couldn't you thought of that earlier?"
And he hung up quickly.
Aryan to himself:"just go home, all your tiredness will be gone."

Ranbir reached home and found the floor decorated with roses. A smile crept on his face.
They were arranged in a way that it showed him the way. He dropped his keys and followed the way.
He entered their room and was awestruck seeing the decoration.

He carefully moved inside and found a box on the bed with a note beside it

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He carefully moved inside and found a box on the bed with a note beside it.
'Wear me' written on it.
He opened ti find a shirt. He got dressed quickly and went to the mirror where he found another note there.
"There is another something special somewhere else, cute Monkey."
Ranbir was confused but then thought about Monkey.
Ranbir, to himself:"kitchen" he went there smilingly.
He found a little box and opened it to find a new watch in it.
He found another note:'Open me' on the backdoor of the house and did the same.
He opened the door to find the way to the beach beautifully decorated with lights.

Ranbir looked happy seeing the decorations and his smile deepened when he spotted Prachi

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Ranbir looked happy seeing the decorations and his smile deepened when he spotted Prachi.

Prachi, excitingly:"Surprise."
Ranbir:"that's the reason why Aryan had me going in so many shops."
Prachi cutely and innocently nodded:"sorry."

Ranbir coming closed to her:"i guess it was worth it."
Prachi:"so Pre-Happy birthday."
She showed him the cake on the table.
Ranbir chuckled.

They both sat down. Ranbir noticed the dishes that was on the table.
Ranbir:you made all of this."
Prachi:"nope, i made only this one and the rest i had to order. Didn't get that much time."
Ranbir:"Great at least you did exhaust yourself."

They started to eat.
Ranbir:"Why did you plan it so much in advance?"
Prachi:"well, i had to because Sunday there will be party and Saturday you will be with your parents and i don't want to intrude there."

Ranbir:"you will never intrude."
They both ate happily and chatted.

Prachi:"cake time."
Ranbir blew the candles. He noticed how Prachi was happy just like a kid enjoying every bit of it. And he would do every silly things to keep it going like that.

He cut the cake and was about to feed Prachi but ate it himself. He laughed at her. Prachi lightly hit him while he tried to escape her.
They run around the table playfully. Seeing that she won't catch him, Prachi sat back pouting.

Ranbir went to her and bent on one knee beside her. He fed her lovingly. Prachi also fed him. She held his chin and brought her lips closed to his ears.
She whispered:"Happy birthday in advance. And here is another gift that you asked for."
She quickly kissed him on his cheek and hugged him.
Ranbir was smiling and whispered to her:"that's the best gift."

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