𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋

Start from the beginning

"Well then Warwick's uncle has been set aside!" Elizabeth laughed "he must really be unhappy with him over his secret deal with France!"
"Anthony now has Admiralty of the Fleet!" Baron Rivers continued, turning to his younger daughter "and Lionel will be bishop as he as always wanted! So you see, Leena! You shall not be the only one among your siblings who has been raised to a higher standing since your sister became Queen!"

Suddenly Elizabeth gasped, a hand flying to her belly as she near doubled over in pain.
"Eleanor, Richard" Jacquetta said calmly.
"I know I know!" Her husband said as he began to walk out while Eleanor simply stared at her sister with alarmed eyes.

"Go and fetch the midwife!" Her mother ordered "I think our first York Prince wishes to join the world!"

Gathering up the skirt of her gown, Eleanor fled the room, her heart beginning to pound as she rushed through the corridors.
"What's wrong?" A voice said and Eleanor nearly screamed as George suddenly appeared beside her, running to keep up.

"It's Elizabeth!" She cried desperately as she rounded yet another corner.
"Which Elizabeth?" George asked and the Countess turned to him, almost slapping him before deciding that she must run on. Now was not the time for his foolish games!
"Elizabeth the Queen! My Elizabeth, you imbecile!" She yelled instead making her friend roar with laughter.

"Imbecile?" He repeated, increasing his pace a little as if to challenge her to a race "well I'll admit thats a new insult from you, Eleanor!"
"Shut up George!" She cried, pushing him down an adjoining corridor to the one she was dashing down "for Gods sake find Edward! The baby is coming!"


Eleanor watched as Edward paced back and forth in front of her, a frown on his face as he walked and threw his doublet at a near window. For around five hours now the King had been strolling impatiently up and down outside of Elizabeth's chamber and some of the time Eleanor had joined him, though she found it hard to keep up with his longs strides.

Another scream came from inside the chamber and the countess felt a shiver go through her. Whenever Jacquetta had emerged to reassure the King of England that all was well, her young daughter had begged to be let into the room, to comfort her sister but her mother had each time refused her.

"Don't fret, ma petite boule de feu" Edward murmured even though fretting was exactly what he was doing and Eleanor stood, beginning to pace with him again.

"I'm sure that Lizzie will be fine" she said, though it was more than herself than to Edward. After all, she had given birth to Tom and Rickon and had been completely fine so she would be fine with this child too!

Another pain filled scream echoed throughout the corridor and Eleanor sighed, finally deciding to take matters into her own hands. She had to be with her sister; could not let Elizabeth be alone.

Pushing open the heavy door, she shut it firmly behind her before her eyes darted to the bed where she saw her sister leant against her mother in her chemise, her golden hair in a mess and sweat trickling down her agonised face.

"Lizzie!" She cried and Elizabeth's head turned, a tired smile crossing her lips as she feebly held out a hand.
"Leena!" She gasped "I am so glad that you are here...."

Kneeling on the covers of the bed, Eleanor took her sister's hand and almost screamed herself as Elizabeth squeezed it with all her might as she pushed, tears streaming down her face that her sister tried to wipe away with the hem of her gown only for the velvet to be immediately soaked through.

"Push push push!" Jacquetta said as she cradled her eldest child in her arms and Elizabeth screamed again, pushing until a small baby's cry filled the air. Eleanor rushed from the bed to take the newborn from the midwife's arms, smiling down at the small child who was staring up at her with sparkling blue eyes while tiny wails escaped her.

"Give him to me, Leena" Elizabeth whispered, holding out her shaking arms "give my son to me....my little York Prince...."
"It's a girl.....a little girl....a York princess" Eleanor replied and watched at her sister's smile faltered a little, as did Jacquetta's before she passed the baby to Elizabeth and heard Edward's commanding voice behind her.

"The Queen is not ready!" A poor midwife was trying to explain but Edward paid her no heed, pushed passed her and ran into the chamber "I am the king! You cannot keep me from my son!"

In a moment he had appeared by the bed, a relived smile as he saw his wife with their child in his arms.
"Edward, wait" Eleanor murmured, taking his arm so that he turned to face her "you have a daughter....not a son....the baby is a girl"

Just as Elizabeth's had done, Edward's happy expression dampened a little as he processes the news, letting out a small sigh before a smile returned to his face and reached to take the child into his arms.

"Support the head, support the head!" Jacquetta said as Eleanor lifted the baby from her sister's arms and into the King's.

"She is a beautiful girl!" Edward said as he beamed down at his daughter, all disappointment seemingly forgotten as he bent down to kiss her red forehead "and we will love her very well I am sure of it"

Elizabeth gave a small sob as she looked up at her husband, her eyes full of a mix of sorrow and love.
"We will have sons!" She promised "I will give you sons....sons and heirs, Edward....I will!"

"I know!" He said, leaning down to kiss her forehead "you are so lovely Elizabeth, I could not do without you!"

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