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    Su Xi never asked about Su Yuan's past. Su Yuan had discovered this a long time ago. He even wanted to avoid reminding Su Yuan of things in another world, so that he could have more determination to stay.

    Although he was very curious about what the real Su Yuan looked like, and wanted to know how old she was in that world and what she did, but when he thought of the homesickness that would trigger these things, he could not think about it. Go ask.

    But he also knew in his heart that his escape would not make Su Yuan lose his memory, and one day she would pursue it back. This day came so fast that he caught him off guard.

    Su Yuan rarely felt so excited when she just got off the plane and couldn't help smiling on her face. She pointed to a fast food restaurant and said to Su Xi.

    "That restaurant is particularly unpalatable. I accompanied my classmates to eat in my previous life. Don't go."

    Su Xi said with a gloomy face: "In my previous life? Sister, do you think that the world is the same dimension as here?"

    His tone was cold. Su Yuan chuckled indifferently, and pulled him over: "Okay, let's try it and see if it's really unpalatable." After

    half an hour, the two of them frowned and came out...

    Su Yuan: "Is it delicious?"

    Su Xi: "..." He found that he could not nod without conscience, "So this restaurant is so unpalatable, how does it make it stand tall in both worlds."

    Su Yuan sees He finally relaxed and smiled: "Feng Shui is good, probably." She hooked Su Xi's arm, pulling him forward, "Go, take you to see the city I lived in."

    This The capital of the world is still full of familiarity for Su Yuan. They took the most common means of transportation and saw many famous buildings along the way.

    To come to the capital, of course, one must go to the square. Su Yuan has been there countless times in her life. She excitedly pulled Su Xi to tell him about her memories, but the other party seemed to have no interest at all and looked at the sun blankly. Looking at the five-star red flag, he said to her: "It's all the same? No matter which world it is in, you can see these buildings."


    Yuan nodded: "Yes, it's all the same." After that, Su Yuan didn't say much, and took Su Xi to catch the bus in silence. I didn't expect that after more than ten years, Su Yuan still remembered clearly. From the square to my home, I have to change several times and pass by the landmark buildings, as if I have never left.

    There are accents familiar to her hometown people in her ears, giving her a long-lost nostalgia.

    After getting off the bus, he had to walk for a while to reach the destination. Looking at the familiar shops along the road, Su Yuan felt nervous.

    "I grew up here." Su Yuan pointed to an old building, which should be demolished in a few years. The small garden downstairs and the pavilions in the garden are full of her childhood. Memory.

    "How old are you?" Su Xi asked suddenly. This was the first time he took the initiative to ask questions all the way.

    Su Yuan stroked her chin and thought for a while: "If you count on that world, you should have just entered junior high school at this time..."

    Su Xi smiled suddenly and put one hand on her shoulder: "So, I should be my brother."

    Su Yuan cut his voice: "Where is the calculation? I have already graduated from university when I crossed, okay? I have lived here for so many years. When your auntie is more than enough."

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