Chapter 21 {ᑭᒪᗩY ᑎIᑕE} 🧨

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"That's right, I'm talking to you Sid Phillips"

Oh so that's what he meant by breaking the rules. Like the number one rule of being a toy.

Don't let anyone know that we aren't just lifeless pieces of plastic and fabric.

"We don't like being blown up, Sid, or smashed, or ripped apart."

Sid starting to look like he's freaking out on the inside, flips Woody over to see if his pull string is moving. It's not.

"W-we?" Sid gulps

I feel kind of bad for him. What he does isn't great, but he's also not living in a great environment.

"That's right... your toys"

As soon as Woody said that all of Sid's toys started to rise from every hiding spot in the yard.

They all start to creep their way towards Sid who's still holding Woody.

'Oh my god.'

I see Buzz look over in shock at the scene.

This might be the wrong approach, though it feels like the only approach.

"from now on, you must take good care of you toys, because if you don't. We'll find out Sid. We toys can see.."

I can see Sid trembling, his hands shaking while holding Woody.

And to make the situation better Woody creepily turns his head in a 360 while drawing out "e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g"

That's when Woody crossed the line. He comes alive for a split second and speaks for real this time.

"So play nice."

Sid traumatised, rips out a blood curdling scream. He chucks Woody over his shoulder and sprints inside.

'Bye I guess

Everyone starts cheering, Sid's toys had formed a circle around him and all hug each other in victory.

I dash over to Woody and grab onto him, him swinging me around.

'Omg this feeling! The bloody butterflies'

"Holy moly I feel so free" I laugh, Woody does too.

While still clutching onto Woody, I see over his shoulder through the open back door Sid who had run into Hannah.

Sid whimpers out to Hannah "they toys, the toys are alive!"

Hannah, who is holding a new doll that I haven't see before looks down at her doll and back at Sid.

'No, no I don't want her to be traumatised, she did noting wrong.'

Sid must of spot the doll too because he cowers "n-nice doll..."

Hannah thrusts the doll into Sid's face, making him jump and dash away.

She chases after him "whats wrong Sid? Don't you want to play with sally?"

Woody and I part and he starts to congratulate Sid's toys. "Nice work fellahs, good job! Coming outta the ground- what a touch! That was a stroke of genius!"

"Woody!" We hear from behind us.

We turn to see Buzz. Still strapped to the stick and of course rocket. He's getting close to what, 12 hours with that on now.

Buzz holds out his right hand. And Woody grips it, accepting it.

"Thanks" says Buzz with pure genuine in his.

They shake, this is a big deal.

After more than a week of butting heads, being chucked outta windows, fighting and arguing and finally almost being blown up.

They have found peace and friendship.

Why is that so cheesy.

Next door and Miss David calls out "Everybody say bye house!"

And as for me, I managed to keep them alive.

a very glum voice follows "bye house."

"Boy! The Van!" I gasp. It's not to late, but we only have minuets to spare.

I help Woody hoist Buzz off of the launchpad that Sid created.

"We gotta run, thanks guys!" Woody calls to Sid's toys.

And we jog off to get onto the back of the van.

"Quick!" Woody encourages as him and I slip through the picket fence. We hop onto the rear bumper.

Though Buzz hasn't joined us. We look back and see that the rocket has caused him to get stuck.

"Just go, I'll catch up!" Buzz shoos us on but there is no way after we have all been though together that we are leaving him behind.

We jump back down and dash to help Buzz. The Van starts to drive off but it will be fine, a little running never hurt anyone.

Woody breaks off a peice of slat that was stopping Buzz from getting through.

Once he slips through Once we get to the middle of the street we see that the Van was just that bit to far away.

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TᕼE ᔕᕼEᖇIᖴᖴ'ᔕ ᗪEᑭᑌTY {Y/n the Everything Doll}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin