6. Dont think around Wanda (at all)

Start from the beginning

Damn they really did me like that

Setting the book back down on my shelf I heard a faint sound from the other side of the wall. Softly pushing my ear against my grey wall I heard another sob ring out from the other side.

Should I go check on them?
Who's room is that again?
It's the right thing to do...

Stepping out of my room, turning and coming face to face with a white door. I was hesitant about doing this again.

Should I bang?
No you don't wanna sound like the FBI.
Should I go back?
No y/n there crying you have to comfort them.
Just softly y/n.

Placing three soft knocks at the door taking a step back.

"Go away Steve."

It's Bucky

I wasn't sure if I should answer but I didn't want to not respond because that would leave him guessing.

"Hey it's me y/n I just heard you I was wondering if your ok?"

There was a moment of silence.

"Sorry if that sounded creepy I wasn't trying to listen-"

I was cut off by the door opening reveling the solder dressed in a blue tee and grey baggy sweats.

"It's ok kid you can come in."

I walked passed him deeper into his room. It was pretty bland, in the corner there was a smaller bed but looked neat beside that there was a blanket on the ground and a pillow. Almost like he slept on the ground rather the bed.

He came behind me and sat on the bed next to me.

"I just came to see if you were ok or if you needed any company."

He looked back up at me and but on a fake smile.

"It's ok kid I'm fine."

I looked up to meet his eyes, I could see his hurt between the redness from crying. Those tears meant something more than fine.

"From what I heard you don't sound fine."

His smile faded back down to his feet.

"It's ok to cry Bucky, everyone cry's it's human."

I said smiling up at him, his eyes stayed glued to the floor.

"It's stupid I shouldn't cry it just makes me weak."

"It doesn't make you weak. Damnit it makes you anything but weak, it shows your strong that you have feeling like everyone of us."

His eyes finally looked up meeting mine.

Maybe I should show him?
No y/n you might scare him.
I'm going to do it.

I placed my hand in between us, he looked down at my small hand confused.

"Take it."

I said looking at his metal hand. He turned to put his real hand in mine but I stoped him midway.

"I don't want that one."

I said confidently but he stayed still for a moment. After I raised an eyebrow he softly picked up his metal hand dropping it in mine.

Leaving a smile on my face I looked at him in his gleaming blue eyes.

"Close your eyes and think of your happiest memory."

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