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In an underground laboratory far away from society lied a gray wolf with the blackest of fur

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In an underground laboratory far away from society lied a gray wolf with the blackest of fur. Her paws, torso, and legs were strapped to a hard table, completely restricting her movement. Scientists pricked and prod the female with an assortment of needles, and other instruments--some spots were even left bruised.

She was born in an artificial womb, tainted with the DNA of numerous unnamed animals. She was a prisoner. Now, at ten years old, she appeared to be a pure gray wolf with a pitch-black coat and two different colored eyes, one being brown and the other blue.

The scientists had never taught any of their subjects basic skills most children learned. They had never learned to read or write, nor did they understand speech. All the victims knew were the metal walls and cold tile flooring accompanied by the beeping of large boxes with flashing lights.

The little wolf hadn't been completely clueless though, she had noticed something that'd be her savior. As of recent, there was one specific test subject, who was much older than her, that seemed to have a sudden spike in strength. Its muscles grew exponentially and he seemed feral. The soon-to-be monster towered over the remaining scientists, but they didn't seem to care.

On one particularly cold night, the scientists were drawing blood from the larger than an average beast, his drool dripped onto the floor below. There were no beeps from machines or cries from the other subjects, only the sound of drool loudly hitting the floor filled the lab.

Then, chains began to rattle. His breath came out fast and ragged.

The scientists leaped back when the beast managed to sit up from the chair he was chained to, breaking the restrictions in the process.

Everyone ran in every direction as the monster got onto all fours, beginning its hunt. Immediately, he pounced to the nearest victim, biting his head completely off. Blood covered the once gray room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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