




"I'm back, it was Techno. He was drunk tho, he said he wanted Tommy home and that if I saw him something about beating his ass or, what the hell ever." Dream said. "Oh~ shit." Wilbur teased Tommy. "He also said that he was gonna beat Wilbur's ass for letting the kids get out." Dream said, walking over to his desk. "Haha, losers." Ranboo said. "Well, now what?" Tubbo asked. "Wanna play c-" "DREAM, HON? CAN YOU GET THE DOOR AGAIN?!" "YEAH MOM!" Dream ran out the door and down the stairs.

Minutes later he came back with a guy. "Who's this?" Tommy asked. "His name is George." "Cool! What do you guys wanna do?" Tubbo asked. "Wait, why did you come here? Why not saps place?" Dream asked. Wilbur walked over to him and whispered in his ear. "Ohh, OHH, SHIT! HIM KARL AND QUACKITY F-" Wilbur covered his mouth. "WHAT!?! DID I HEAR THAT SHIT RIGHT?!?" Tommy asked. "NO! NO NO NO, YOU DIDNT HEAR ANYTHING YOU LITTLE FUCK!" Wilbur said. "Ok. So, Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity are fucking, now what are we doing?" Tubbo asked. Wilbur looked at him like he had saw a ghost. "NO! NO THEY ARE NOT!! NOBODY IS FUCKING!" Wilbur shouted. "Are you guys done?" George asked.

"Yes! We are done talking about sex." Dream said. ". . . Yeah, that." George said. They all looked at each other and then Dream spoke up, "so, wanna play cards?" "Sure." "Why not?" "I like cards." "Ok." "YES!" They each answered. "Let me grab them." Dream walked over to his desk, opens the drawer and got the cards. They all sat on the floor. Dream opened the cards and spread them out. "What should we play?" Dream asked. "Go fish?" Tubbo answered. "Sounds good. You guys?" Everyone just nodded. Dream set up the game and handed everyone thier cards. (We are going with how I play the game bc I heard some ppl play differently -Author.) They all put down any matches they might have got and then they started playing.

Puffy pov
Knock knock knock* "DR- uhg, I'll get it." I said to myself. I walked over to the door and looked out. Oh, Philza? I opened the door to see what he may need. "Hello Philza- is that the smell of wine?" I asked. "Yes, I was drinking. Sorry to bother you but, do you know where Tommy Tubbo and Ranboo are?" He asked. "Oh, I think they are up in Dreams room!" I answered. "May I go check?" He asked. "Of course! I would want to see if Dream was safe if I was in this situation." I told him. I moved so he could walk in. He entered the house, went upstairs and a few minutes later he came back down holding Tommy in one arm, pulling Wilbur by the ear with his other, and Tubbo and Ranboo following. "Have I nice night!" I said as they walked out.

A few minutes ago.

Wilbur pov
We where all playing cards when there was a knock at the door. "It's probably my mom, one sec." Dream said. I had this feeling that it wasn't his mom tho. He opened the door and I was right, Philza was standing in the doorway. "OH COME ON! FUCK!" Tommy shouted. "Get up, and let's go. You guys are lucky Techno didn't find you, god!" He said. He walked in, grabbed Tommy and then grabbed me by the ear. "OW OW OW, WHAT THE HELL!?!" I yelled at him. "Tubbo, Ranboo, let's go." He said as he walked out, dragging me and Tommy with him. "Have a nice night!" Puffy said as we left. Dad dragged all of us back to the house. When we got there he opened the door and said, "in." Me and Tommy walked in, Tubbo and Ranboo after us.

"All of you, on the couch. I'll be back, I have to go find Techno, Don't. Move. An. Inch." He said with a death glare, then he flew away to go get Techno. "Fuck you Tommy." I said. "WHAT THE HELL!?!" He yelled. "Your the one who suggested it." I said. "YOU AGREED!!" He shouted. "SO!?!" " 'SO!?!' WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN!?!" "Guys, Da- Philza, is back" Ranboo said. "Whatever." Tommy said. Phil opened the door and walked in with Techno. "Back." He said. "Finally." Tommy said, rolling his eyes. "Don't get cocky with us, kid!" Techno said, completely waisted. "Shut up, old hag!" Tommy responded. "I'm only- uhghm.....one.. two.. three.. four.. five.. six.. seven- EIGHT YEARS OLDER THAT YOU!" Techno shouted, pointing at tommy. "HOW THE HELL CAN YOU COUNT *AND* BE CORRECT WHEN YOUR WAISTED?!" I asked.

Third pov
"I went to colgeg." He responded. (Ps he said it like call-geg if you where wondering.) "What the fuck is colgeg?" Tommy asked. "You know wat I'm taking about, prick!" Techno answered. "Shut the hell up. Why did you guys think it was ok to sneak out?" Phil asked. "Well, you guys are waisted so, we left." Tubbo said. "Yeah, fuck you guys." Tommy said, sticking up his middle finger. "No fuck you To- oh, shit I'm gonna throw up." Techno said as he ran to the bathroom. "Well, I'm tired. Can I go to bed now?" Ranboo said. "I, no! Uhhgg, whatever! All of you just get out of my face!" Phil said. "Bye." "Ranboo, take me with youu!" Tubbo said. "Alright, let's go tubbo."

"I'm going to bed." "Me too" Tommy and Willbur said. "Whatever." Phil answered. "I'm getting more wine." Phil mumbled to himself. They all walked their separate ways.

With Tubbo and Ranboo

"Hey, why do you always ask to stay in my room?" Ranboo asked. "I don't know, I like it in here I guess." "Hm, never thought of it like that." Tubbo sat on Ranboos bed and took his shoes off. He lied down and got comfy, as Ranboo on the other hand stayed up for another hour reading. When he finished his book he got up to leave. "Ranboooo, cuddle me." Tubbo whined. "But I need to go get-" "it wasn't a question, now cuddle me before I kill you in your sleep." Tubbo said. "O-ok." Ranboo walked over to the bed, lied down and got comfy. Seconds later Tubbo had climbed on him and was sleeping on his chest.

End! Sorry if this is too long😅😅

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