Day of judgment

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Wanda and I decided to stay in my room for the rest off the night. I guess I need to talk to the team now since I didn't do it yesterday. We got ready for breakfast and gathered around to meet everyone.
„Y/n Morning." everyone greeted me surprised.
„Morning guys." I greeted them back and sat down with Wanda next to me. „Is cap still going for his run?" I pointed at the empty seat wich was usually taken by Steve. „No I saw him enter the compound around 10 minutes ago. I am sure he will be here soon." Sam answered and I smiled lightly at him.
„Morning." cap greeted everyone and his eyes landed on me. „Morning Y/n." „Morning Rogers." I smiled slightly at him and he replied with the same smile. Everyone ate in silence for some time until I cleared my throat to get everyone's attention. Everyone looked at me and I felt how Wanda's hand rested on my thigh squeezing it softly.

„Is everything okay sweetie?" dad asked and I just nod yes. „Yeah actually I wanted to apologize." I saw how the expression changed in everyone's face. „For what?" Nat asked curious. „For acting the way I did yesterday. It wasn't my place to let everything out on you. I was drained with emotions and I couldn't control myself. I am sorry."
Cap shook his head no. „You have nothing to apologize for Y/n." he began and Nat moved on.
„We should have told you. Your involved in this more than everyone else. It's fine Y/n."
„Yeah totally. It's fine to slip. You can't control you're emotions but it will come at time." Bucky added giving me a smile. „Have you found anything else to help with getting me free?" i asked and dad let out a sight. „We did sweetie. And we actually informed the government on everything. We sent them the informations and they want you to tell the about the things that have happened to you."
I tried to swallow the lump in my throat as das gave me this information. „is it really necessary Stark?" Wanda asked knowing exactly how hard it is for me to talk about that. „It's fine babe." I said and she glanced at me and then at dad. „Sadly yes. It is necessary." I let out a small sight knowing that this will be hard. „When will I be There?" I asked and dad placed his coffee cup down. „Today actually. If you're ready. Or else we can tell them you will come on another day." I felt how my anxiety grew. „Alright. I guess I'll be ready then."
Wanda watched me closely seeing how I am struggling. „I will be done after that and we can Focus on getting Thomas and Schmidt behind bars right." I said with optimism wich I didn't know why.
„Yeah sure. But you don't have to rush yourself you know that right?" Nat asked and I nod at her.
„Sure. But the sooner we're done the better." I answered and finished my breakfast.
„I should go get ready for court." I exclaimed and got up to leave. „Be ready in an hour okay sweetie?" dad shouted after me. And I nod at him.

I went for a long shower and got ready for my hearing today. I didn't expect it to be this soon. I feel how my anxiety is building up but i gotta keep myself in check for my own sake. I jumped into a formal suit wich is more comfortable than I had imagined. „Hey Are you ready?" Wanda asked knocking on my door while entering my room.
„Eh yeah I was just getting dressed. Are you coming with us today?" I asked nervously and she nod yes wich gave me a better feeling. „I will be there with you the whole time. I won't leave you. We will get through this." she answered stroking my suit smooth. „I love you." she smiled at me. „I like it when you say that." she smiled at me bright and I giggled. „You will hear it every day don't worry. I love you Wanda Maximoff." her eyes lite up in happiness and I loved seeing this. I couldn't get enough of her beauty.

„Miss Stark the Team is waiting for you outside to head to court." friday stated and I let out a big sight. „You Sure about going today?" she asked scanning my behavior. „Absolutely not. But we will be fine. It had to be done sooner or later." I exclaimed and she let out a sight as well.
„Fine. I will keep an close eye on you. I won't leave you're side. Just look at me when you start to feel more anxious than usual." I smiled slightly at her.
„It will be hard to keep my eyes away from you. Looking at these grumpy government people." we began to walk to the cars and drove with Steve and Nat. The car ride was pretty quiet and it went by fast. We entered court seeing a bunch off suit people there. Everyone had eyes on me as if I was walking around naked. I feel naked to be honest since all eyes are on me. I sat down at the front table while the team was sitting behind me. Some lawyer that dad brought around sat next to me.
„Rais yourself for the incoming judges." is all I heard and I got up stroking my suit.
The judges nod and we all sat down.
„Today's negotiation is about Y/n Y/m/n Stark.
Several laws have been broken by her and she was working for the known criminal organization hydra.
We are debating on a long life prison time or fully freedom for Miss Stark." one of the judges explained and my anxiety shot Up to the sky in like seconds. „I call in Miss Stark." I swallowed the lump in my throat and got up to move to the front.
„Do you Y/n Y/m/n Stark swear to tell the truth and only the truth and nothing else." they asked.
„I swear." and they nod at me to sit down.

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