No matter what I try to tell myself the truth is these ain't no damn nightmares.. they're memories.

I reached over to my nightstand grabbing my bipolar medicine. I felt it was empty making me huff.

I reached over to my anti depressions and those were empty too. "Ma I need a refill on my medicine !" I yelled out.

"Call your sister !" she responded. I grabbed my phone texting nafessa then sighed.

I am not about to enjoy today..

Onika pov:

I walked out the house texting my mom and beyonce goodmorning then I got in my car.

I stopped by the donut shop getting bey some donuts since I know she's gonna be hungry and I got me a muffin.

After that I drove to the school. When I got there I parked grabbing my phone.

I was about to play a game but something caught my attention. I looked up across the parking lot to see beyonce struggling to get out a car.

I quickly got out the car rushing over to her "let me help you bb" I said softly wrapping her arm around me.

"thank you" she grunted hoping on her good leg. I grabbed her crutches giving them to her and she leaned on the car unwrapping her arm from around me.

"Bye momma" she said looking in the car "Bye have a good day" her mom said and she nodded closing the car door.

"Thank you for helping me" she said giving me a small smile. "No problem boo, come on I got you some food" I said then helped her get to my car.

I took her crutches from her putting them in the backseat then I got in the front to see beyonce eating my muffin.

"Stop ! That's mine" I said taking it from her "I got you donuts and a pig in a blanket" I said handing her the food.

"oh" she said pulling a donut out "here" I said giving her the juice I got her.

"Thank you" she said stuffing most of the donut in her mouth. I scrunched my face at her but didn't say nothing.

She ate all of her food then looked over at me "Can I have some" she pointed to my muffin.

"You can have it" I said giving it to her since I was full. "Thank you" she pecked my lips taking it.

"We gotta get to class BB" I said getting out the car. I got her crutches out the back then went around to her door opening it.

When I did I seen her eating some cinnamon rolls "bey where did you get those from ?" I asked.

"Back there" she pointed to the back seat. My eyes went wide and I took them from her.

"These are old, you might get sick" I said throwing them to the ground and she gasped.

"Why did you do that ?!" she said looking down at them "Because they're old beyonce now come on" I helped her get out the car.

"i wanted them" she pouted "you're gonna get sick" I said handing her the crutches.

"so" she mumbled closing the car door. "I'll get you some fresh ones" I said kissing her cheek.

"How many of those did you eat ?" I asked "three" she mumbled.

Her ass getting sick.

"Ok come on" I said and we started walking towards the door.

I looked over at bey seeing she had a pained expression on her face and sighed "You haven't took your pain medicine" I said.

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