New Beginnings.

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A/N: Hello, loves, it's Chelsea here with another story that will probably suck major ass. I'm assuming that half of you already scrolled past this and are already reading the story, well, if you are reading this I appreciate it and you're awesome. SO. This story will be simple and sweet, yes you can expect some.. attraction/sex/flirting/sass/cursing/food.

Oh yeah, that's right. I said food.

Haha, but anyway, the story will be a lot of fun to plot. I also am assuming that my best friend, Nicole is reading this. So, hi Nicole. (: You're going to be in this story by the way. ;) Surprise. Let's get this show on da roaddd.

It was a glorious Thursday afternoon in New York, New York. The city was oh so big, the rain wasn't too hard, wasn't too rough, it was just right. It was never really sunny in this city, only when it summer, but other than that, the weather was glorious. The streets were extra busy, everyone focusing on where they needed to go and how they were going to get there. That's the thing about New York; everyone is so busy, not taking in the beauty of the city. Well, some of the beauty. The subways aren't so nice but, who am I to judge? Anything was beautiful to--

Ally's pen had driven off of the page in her songbook/diary, leaving an uneven line from where she left off. Her cat, Carrot, had just crawled on top of her lap, interrupting her kind state of writing. Ally let out a soft giggle when Carrot curled up into her lap, her pitch black fur and bright green eyes are what Ally loved most about her, Carrot. Ally admired Carrots beauty and ran her fingers through Carrots hair gently, hearing the cat purr in delight. Ally Dawson, a 19 year old girl who enjoyed making people happy and following the rules. Allyson Dawson hadjust moved to New York from her hometown, Miami. She had just graduated a month before and decided to go to college early. Ally had to quickly adjust to the knew town. She wasn't so used to the weather at all. Miami was usually a warm, hot climate while New York was the complete opposite. But Ally had to adjust very quickly. But she was looking forward to college at MUNI, Music University of New York. To learn more about music and to takw a leap for her career.

Ally looked around her apartment once more, trying to adjust to the new place. Well, the whole apartment was white, except for two walls. Two of those walls were pure glass.. leaving a breathtaking view of the city, busy streets and the wonderful sound of the rain. There was a grand piano, white of course, that came along with the apartment, which Ally had admired most, and then there was a small area of the kitchen. Everything was white, white, white, white. White couch, white chair, and a white chandelier that hung perfectly from the room. Ally took a deep breath, taking it all in. 'I'm here.. I'm finally here.' Ally thought to herself, continuing to run her hands through Carrots furr.

Ally had just arrived in her apartment, the plane just landed a few hours ago, making Ally have an hour to find a place and to get a job, in which she did. She got a job at a bakery downtown which wasn't too far away from her apartment nor was it far away from MUNI. The bakery was very small and colorful, smelled of cinnamon, flower and lilac. It was a pleasant smell to Ally, and to Carrot. She smelled that way when she finally found the place. Ally stood up from her chair that was near the wall that was made out of glass, the rain streaming down the glass quietly. She gently put Carrot off of her, grabbing her suitcase that was behind her and a strong hold of her songbook and her pen all in one hand. She took another deep breath. "Alright.. well, let's get settled in. C'mon, Carrot." She began to walk to the hallway that led to the guest room, her room, and a guest bathroom. She walked through the hall observing the place carefully, trying to adjust quickly. There were a few frames on the wall of flowers and of the city, that were of course black and white.

Ally stopped walking when she stood in front of a door that she assumed was her bedroom. She gently placed her hand onto the doorknob, her heart pounding a mile a second. ' Just open the damn door already, Ally.. no need to be nervous, it's just a room!' Listening to the voice in her head, she obeyed like the good girl she was and opened the door gently, Carrot at her feet.

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