Red & Cyan: 4

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        It was frigidly cold the following evening as we strolled along the sidewalk. Hattie's hair was tied up in a messy bun that reminded me of a rabbit's tail, and her hands obnoxiously swung by her sides. The wind picked up her honeysuckle scent and wafted it into my nostrils with a flick of its wrist. It was a wonderful smell, really; it reminded me of a field full of grass and blooming flowers.

        The leftover taste of pumpernickel pie rested on my tongue and came out in a puff as I opened my mouth to speak.

        "I have a proposal for you, if you're willing to hear it."

        Hattie's head tilted to the side to face mine, the leisurely nature of the movement showing that she was in no rush. I wasn’t in a rush either. A life that is composed of nothing but hurried moments is a life that is surely not enjoyed to its full potential.

        "I'm undoubtedly willing to hear this proposal of yours," she responded, her white teeth grazing her lips as her mouth stretched into a smile.

        "What would you say if I asked you to be my best friend?"

        I watched her contemplate this for a few seconds, her mouth shifting to one side in thought.

        "I  would say that I'm quite offended because I thought we were already best friends," she finally countered, a mischievous grin decorating her face.

        "Okay, then let this be the confirmation of our friendship," I stated, my lips resembling an upturned lunette.


        She then sent me a playful nudge, her arm locking around mine. It wasn't long before she was pulling off her Mary Janes, tucking the shoes under her right arm. Laughter spilled out of my lips as she jumped into water puddles that the previous day's rain had created, small droplets splashing onto my trousers. Her toes were painted the color of an apple, and they reminded me of little red fish as they wiggled around in the water.

        “Ooo, she kicked me,” Hattie suddenly stated with a giggle.

        Her child-like actions had come to a stop by that point, and her left arm gently wiggled out of my grasp. It was when she placed her hand upon her stomach that I put two and two together.

        “You're having a little girl?”

        She nodded, her eyes twinkling as they peered down at her belly.

        “Well come on now, you can feel,” she said after a few seconds, her gaze faltering to look up at me.

        I slowly crouched down before her, placing my hand beside her own.

        “Hi sweet angel.”

        My greeting was followed by a kick to the palm, and I wondered if someway, somehow, the tiny baby had heard me. My eyes were crinkling in joy, and a beam was present on my face as I looked up at Hattie. She had leftover crumbs of fond on her cheeks, presumably due to the interaction between myself and her unborn child.

        I stood up to wrap her in a soft hug before we were on our way again, her arm looped in mine and her shoes back on her feet.

        “You know, when I was about fourteen years old, I knew a boy that reminded me of an oak tree. His eyes were the color of leaves and his hair the hue of bark. Three days out of the week, his breath would smell like caramel because he would go down to the local candy shop and buy a one pound bag of the golden treats. He never failed to share his bag with the whole class, and one day, I decided to ask him why he did such a selfless thing. He told me that he loves every single person on this earth, and when you love someone, you share with them the things that make you happy. From then on, I knew I had to love each individual in our world, no matter how hard it may be.”

        Hattie's cheeks puffed together, her eyes glistening with admiration for the kind boy in the story.

        “Out of all the trees in this world, why did you choose to compare him to an oak tree?” she questioned, squeezing my arm a little tighter as she smiled up at me.

        “Because oak trees are big, just like his heart was.”  

Dedicated to @The1DBumbleBee for taking interest in this story and for being so supportive of it. Your user-name is so so so cute, and I hope you're having a wonderful day when you read this. In fact, I hope all of you are having a marvelous day when you read this, and a plethora of joy in the days ahead.      


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