
The party was a hit. I had the last piece of the cake that was the only thing left from the whole feast I had prepared. Once the guest left Remi and I laid on the carpet and looked at the sky.

"Do you think things will remain the same after high school?" She asked. "We have one more year to go but it all seems to be flying so fast."

I smiled looking at the sky. "Everything will change Remi. But you know what... it will be even better. I can feel it." I brought my hand up comparing it to the vast dark sky. " High school is just a tiny fraction of the life that is waiting for us, you'll see. We won't be mediocre people living just average lives without experiencing life."

Remi scooped away a bit further. "You always get so philosophical on your birthday. "

I laughed. "Shut up."

"So.." She cleared her throat. "Any wish for your birthday. With all the presents you got today, there must be something you want to get..."

Her voice was getting distant..

"This year there aren't many things i want physically.." i chuckled. "except Elric.. " hmmm. " it will be great to win the competition.."

There was silence. "Remi?" I lifted myself up in my elbows and realized Remi was no longer next to me. She wasn't anywhere at all.

"That is something I'm always happy to hear." My eyes instantly looked for the source of that rich deep voice.

Elric was standing outside the veranda door holding a plate with a mini cake on it and a candle burning in the center. "Happy birthday."

I had no idea what I did in this life to earn such a gorgeous man and on top of that, he was so caring, but um.. thank you universe..you have my respect.

I completely rose up on my feet, pretty sure my smile was ear to ear. I couldn't help myself.

I thought I wouldn't see him until tomorrow and I was so happy to have him here on this night holding that really tiny, but beautiful cake.

As he approached me singing a really off-tune happy birthday, I enjoyed watching his white body-glued shirt and those marvelous arms with popping veins as he carried the cake. He was chocolate itself, with those lips I couldn't resist and those eyes that made me susceptible to anything.

I was so into this man, there was nothing I could do about it.

I was still grinning like crazy as he sang the last verse.

He waited confused. "You can blow the candle now."

Baby, I'll blow anything you like.

Damn it Francy. Focus. Cake. sweet gesture.

Without breaking eye contact I just blew out the candle.

"Did you even make a wish?" He asked.

"I'm staring at it." I grabbed his shirt and pulled it to kiss him.

His arms worked fast. He got the cake out of the way and grabbed my waist with the other one.

His kiss tasted minty and I could tell he was chewing gum before, yet that mixed with his cologne was enough to make my already fast-beating heart into a frenzy.

He pulled away smiling over my lips. "You're going to make me drop the cake."

I pulled away, taking the cake from his hands. "I hope you weren't planning on me sharing this."

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