Cedric: Owl Exchange

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Character: Cedric
Cedric x reader
House: Hufflepuff
Words: 1021

•Ϟ 9¾ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘•

One day while you were in the Hufflepuff common room you received a weird letter.

" flower, who's this from?" You asked your owl.

She just hooted and stood on your shoulder quietly.

You looked at the exterior and the only thing you could see written on it was that it was addressed to you, with the initials titled on it, C.D .

You pondered who it could be but ended up opening it out of anticipation.

Inside was a letter that read,

Hello. How are you? I know you might have tons of questions like why your getting this letter, but don't worry I'll answer all of them. But to do so, you have to play a game. At the end, you and I will meet. Hope to hear from you soon.


You stared at the letter reading it over and over.

Does this person really think I'm gonna reply?! Well if I didn't it would be rude. You thought to yourself

You sat down and started writing a letter back.

Hello C.D . I don't know why I would be getting such a peculiar letter but I understand. What is this game you say? Alright, how do you play.

You put the letter in the envelope and gave it to your owl flower.

" take this to the same owl that gave you that one."

Flower hooted and flew away.

You stayed awake all night thinking of who C.D could be.



You and this C.D person had been exchanging letters for days. Playing the game of questions.

He would ask you one question and then you would answer it and ask him one question and so forth.

After a while you got to know him more and more.

Finally the last letter had arrived.

Hello, it's me once again. This is the last letter I'll be writing you because we will finally be meeting each other! I hope you are excited. My owl will come to get you and take you to the Spot. Just follow him and meet me at 6. Can't wait,


You smiled at the thought of finally being able to meet the boy who you'd been talking to for days now.

Short after you'd read the message the owl had arrived just like C.D said.

" you must be the owl he was talking about" you said petting the owl.

He hooted and started to fly slowly infront.

Your owl was on your shoulder as you grabbed your wand and followed the owl.

You got to a dark corridor where you lit your wand to see. " lumos" you whispered as the tip of your wand lit up.

You started to follow the owl again.

A bit further down the corridor you had ran into a boy.

You both fell on the hard, stone flooring.

" ow. Sorry" you said rubbing the back of your head with your hand.

" sorry too." He said picking himself up.

When you had fell, your wand had dropped. Making the corridor dark and spooky again.

You couldn't see the boys face but he looked to be built stronger.

You took his hand as he helped you up.

" so you must be C.D huh?" You said still trying to focus and see his face.

" lumos" he said lighting the tip of his wand.

As he did you could finally see who the mystery boy was.

It was the one and only Cedric Diggory.

" oh my gosh im so sorry Cedric I- I didn't know it was you..." you said embarrassed.

" oh y/n your fine. Besides I'm not even hurt or anything."

" so it was you the whole time? The one sending me all those mysterious letters?"

" yea it was me. I actually wanted to tell you something but I figured it would be best to do in person."

He slightly blushed as he started rubbing the back of his neck.

" we really only knew each other on a first name basis before, so I decided that I wanted to get to know you more. And I was afraid that if you knew it was me you'd freak out and be like no ew, or something like that you know?"

You nodded listening to him ramble.

" and I don't think I would've had the courage to talk to you in person so instead I figured we could play a little game for us to get to know each other. And our owls helped out a lot too." He said petting his owl.

You just smiled at him.

" I guess what I'm trying to say is, is that I actually really like you y/n, and I understand if you don't Have to like me back or anything but I just wanted to get it if my chest an-"

Without a hesitation you leaned up and kissed him.

His hands went around your waist and your hand on his cheek.

" does that answer your question?" You said smirking.

" absolutely." He said before kissing you again.

" so our owls managed to pull this off huh?"

" yea. If it weren't for jasper here I wouldn't have been able to pull it off."

" oh thank you jasper." You said petting his head.

" oh and thank you flower for helping too."

He said petting flowers head too. Flower hooted.

" you know owl?"

" well not exactly. Jasper here did and he kinda introduced me." He said chuckling.

" so it was a owl exchange huh?" You starts chuckling as well.

" yea I guess you could say that." He said laughing.

You both walked hand in hand out of the corridor.

" so this makes us boyfriend and girlfriend now right?" Cedric whispered.

" yes dummy" you said kissing his cheek and ruffling his hair.

•Ϟ 9¾ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘•

So this one was pretty long but I hope you all enjoyed it! I had fun making it and for those of you who are wondering I'm feeling much better :) thank you all so much for the support and votes and comments are appreciated! Next up is Neville! Lots of luvs,

                                                  Your author, L.S <3

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