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It's ghost busting time, y'all.

Basically Libby's glasses detect this super weird energy- nothing like she's ever seen.. she researches and takes notes. Glasses detects movements like invisible paranormal; She thinks its a poltergeist. She tried to tell her friends but they didn't believe her since it was almost Halloween and they thought Libby was pranking them (J.L especially does not believe her and think she may be overreacting maybe due to lack of sleep.) But then suddenly the poltergeist snatches their friends souls while at J.L's house, so they're unable to move. J.L realizes that Libby was right all along and the two work together to catch the ghosts once and for all; And get their friends back.

Libby was in her room simply reading while listening to music- She sees her glasses glow and flash on her nightstand. She quickly goes and puts them on and senses weird frequencies and energy.

Libby: Whoa.. That's new..

At first, it didn't seem so bad. She thought it was just the regular old magic stuff, so Libby didn't worry too much about it. So every single day, she made sure to write everything she saw and experienced- All good so far..

That is when she notices something a bit peculiar.. She follows the little path in her glasses and sees that everything just started floating up (Okay) but with a strange twist. It's like her house got burglarized, everything was just knocked to the ground all scattered messed around. Libby could not believe anything at all.. she didn't think anything like this could happen.. then she realizes that she saw something move- A flower vase and violently topple to the floor. By the way, there is no one in the house basically, so that's what was creepy.

The young mage princess soon realizes that it was something new.

"Poltergeist.." She quietly said.

Libby studies this weird strange new energy- Unlike anything she had ever seen before. They looked like little wisps/ sort of.. like some sort of like these humanoid type creatures or something.. Like mermaids but not exactly...

In Trollmarket:

Libby: (In fret) It was real! A real ACTUAL ghost just wandering around my house..! And it knocked everything- All the shelves, every single thing.. it was so.. eery unlike what I've ever seen... It was like some sort of twister, just bringing in a path of destruction, gobbling everything it can get its hands on!

Toby: That's HORRIBLE! *Gobbles his burrito*

Claire: That's terrible! Was that the only thing it did or was there more?

Libby: From what I saw, I believe it was the only thing.. No one was hurt or anything...

Jim: Okay, that is pretty suspicious..

Libby: I fear it may be... a ...

Everyone: What??


Libby: I fear what I saw and witnessed, it may be a poltergeist.

Everybody stared blankly at Libby Sinclair. They had their full attention until she said that very word.

Toby: Wait what?

Claire: Uh, um- Did you say.. "Poltergeist"?

The rest stares deep at Libby quite intrigued until-

Jim: Okay, you got us there. Are you sure you're not just trying to play a little Halloween joke on us...?

Libby: What?

Toby: I think we all know what's goin' on here," He smirks, pointing at her.

Claire: Halloween is coming.. We're in the spirit now- that's for sure.

Libby Sinclair- The Arcadia Oaks DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now