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Hey this is my first time writing. I have a clear idea at what I want done with this story. Thank you to anyone who actually reads this.☺

March 3rd 2013

The days were long and the months were even longer and with each beating I had gotten during training I had questioned my choices more and more. Was this a good idea or would it have been better to stay in the shadows of our home.

Once joining Hydra we were put through tests..shortly after Baron Strucker suggested to start combat training. I was first of course. I had made a special agreement with Baron that whatever they were going to put us through I was the first to try...for the safety of Wanda and Pietro.

They didn't care if I went days with pain because of the training. I soon learned that I could do anything to hurt the guards I was training with and Baron would simply be happy and satisfied. So that's what I did.

At first it was hard because I was fighting some of the strongest men in the facility...I had requested books on training and fighting. What the guards didn't know is that I'm a very fast learner...soon enough I took the guards down one by one and Baron just clapped while watching my success.

Baron hadn't started experimenting on us right as soon as we got was more after. He had to be sure it would work. We waited months for the actual experiments to start. Meanwhile we were trained in hand to hand combat.

And when the time came I was first to be put into and empty room with dark metal walls...all I saw was a table with a stand which was holding a golden spere. It had a pointy end and was holding some sort of blue gem.

Suddenly the table started shaking like if an earthquake were to occur. The spere lifted of of the table and stand. It was floating right in front of my face and suddenly the gem left the spere. Floating in the was so bright and beautiful. I was afraid of what it could do since I didn't know but at the same time I wanted to hold it to see how it felt.

I reached for the blue gem and it exploded. The outer layer broke into a million pieces and in the middle of it was a small yellow stone. The yellow color illuminated the entire room.
It was a blinding light and all of a sudden I see a vision of a woman floating.

Her suit was flowing in the air, she was wearing a some sort of a crown, her arms were extended and her hair was in a braid. I only saw her shadow and the yellow light...I couldn't see her face but I knew she was dangerous.

I vigorously shook my head to block the image in my mind. My breathing became heavy. Realizing that I was alone in the room I tried to take a few steps back but the stone followed. I felt a strong gush of wind nearly making me fall to the ground.

The woman of the vision was still there and suddenly the yellow light turned blue. Their was blue energy surrounding the magic. My eyelids felt heavy and my head felt fuzzy. The next thing I remember was doctors surrounding me, flashing lights in my eyes and I just slowly closed them.

I woke up in my cell...on my cot. I had an IV attached to my arm. I felt strange...and hungry. As usual I was alone. I ripped the IV from my arm...which was a mistake because it hurt like hell.

I got up and walked towards the metal cell door and as I was about to pound my hand on the door...I was suddenly on the other side of the room. As I walked towards the door once more it happened again.

I spent hours like this until the door opened and I saw Baron with a look of satisfaction on his face. I soon realized that the experiments worked and I was on my path of revenge.

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