"Horikita." Chabashira called her, "I was told you called me, what is it?"

"Ah, sensei." She immediately responded, "I am here to ask you some questions about our upcoming test."

"I see. Let me hear it."

For the next few minutes, the two talked to each other. Ayanokouji was silently watching the two as they continued.

Finally, they ended their conversation, much to his relief.

"Thank you very much, sensei." Suzune bowed to her sensei, "Also Ayanokouji-kun, please don't hesitate to ask me any questions."

"Oh, I will take up that offer someday then." He replied.

"Well then, I should get going."

With that Suzune walked off from the two, turning left to a corner.

"Now she's done." Chabashira looked at Ayanokouji, "What do you need, detective?"

"I am actually here to talk to another teacher if you don't mind."

"Oh. Who is it?"

"The archery club's moderator."


Did sensei just call Ayanokouji-kun a detective?

I saw him and sensei went inside the faculty room.

My suspicions are right after all. He is here in this school for a reason. If he is a detective, then he really is here for Sakura-san.

That kouhai he talked about must be the purple-haired twintails girl.

I waited for them for a few more minutes. After that, I saw them all went out, but this time with the archery club's moderator Ayanokouji-kun asked to meet with me.

"Thank you for your cooperation," Ayanokouji-kun said his thanks to the teacher.

"No no, the pleasure is mine. I am glad to be of help to the youngest detective." The teacher replied.

"Now then, detective." Chabashira-sensei started talking to him, "Have you figured it out?"

"Not quite. I still haven't seen the bigger picture. But..."

He looked at the corner I am currently looking at from. He smiled.

"Does he know I am here?"

"I have a strong feeling finding out who the culprit is within Class 2 - D is getting closer."


Did he just say someone in Class 2 - D killed Sakura-san...

Someone in our class...

"If that is the case, I wish the greatest of luck."

After that greeting from Chabashira-sensei, Ayanokouji-kun simply nodded. He then started walking the other way.


I felt a buzz from my phone. I opened it to see a single message.

"Now you know."

He did know I was watching him this entire time, huh...

April 9th, 2016

The White Case - A COTE Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن