Onto The Next

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"Get up. We have to leave now to make it to the village by nightfall." Giyuu poked you in your back and you stretched out your limbs as you sat up in the bed. "It's barely light outside yet." You whined as you swung your feet off of the bed and bounced up.

"Like I said, we need to leave now." Giyuu grabbed your blade and tossed it to you. You frowned as you placed your blade on your hip and walked with Giyuu towards the door.

It was calm outside as the sun peaked above the meadows and the beyond of the birds came from the trees behind that shack.

"This next demon... it's another upper rank, right?" You asked hesitantly as you and Giyuu walked down the path. All he did was nod as he looked straight ahead. That's one thing you noticed about him was that his eyes never strayed from the path.

He didn't even look back when you talked. "Quit focusing on the fact that it's an upper rank. You did fine the last time." He said sternly and you just shook your head.

"Yeah, but not the time before that."

The large village sat in the middle of the meadows. It was uncomfortably eerie as you looked around at the lit houses. Your eyes moved to the one area of the village that wasn't lit.

"You already know what to do." Giyuu slowly unsheathed his blade and you and him wlaked down the path of the village towards the dark area.

There were a couple of houses that were left unlit and you couldn't see any movement from within. "Check the other one." Giyuu whispered as he pointed to the small house to your left.

You lowered yourself and moved slowly towards the house, trying your best to peek into the window without being detected. You pressed your hands to the windowsill and peeked over.

The darkness made it hard to see anything in the house, but you could make out the silhouettes of the furniture. "Y/N!" You heard Giyuu yell behind you, but by the time you were able to turn around, there was a fist flying at you.

You were hit square in the chest by the demon that stood before you. He was probably about double your height and double the muscle.

His punch sent you straight into the side of the house. A searing pain traveled up your back as your spine cracked against the hard siding of the house.

You let out a painful scream as you slammed into the ground, unable to get up in time before the demon landed another strike. This time it was your face that took the blow.

You felt the knuckles of the demon collide with the side of your head. For a minute everything went black as you collapsed onto the ground. You could hear the faint noises of Giyuu yelling, along with the slicing of his blade and the demon screaming.

You laid there on the ground as your eye sight struggled to get back to normal. It was still dark and hazy as you were soon able to make out the shapes around you. You stayed focused on Giyuu as he fought with the demon.

You wanted to move, to get up and fight alongside your partner, but between the pounding in your head and the excruciating pain in your back, you were unable to get up. It felt as though blood was trickling from your ears as you laid on your side.

You extended your arm as far as you could, hoping to reach out to him, but it slammed back onto the hard ground. "Giyuu..." You breathed out his name as your eyes slowly began to close.

The noises of the fight still echoed in your head as you laid there, helpless. It wasn't long before you totally lost your consciousness.

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