chapter 16

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"STEVEN GRANT ROGERS!", a yell went through the house. Steve straightened up his position immediately walking into the kitchen to his angry wife. "Whats wrong my love?", he asked. Grace turned around with tears and anger written all over her face. Without saying a word she pointed at the dishes. "You wanted to do that, remember? HOURS AGO!" Steve twiched a little, then walking over to her. "Im sorry, I just watched over Loki and painted with Brooke." Grace started crying intensively. "You said, you'd do the dishes... you promised... its all on me... Steve we are having a third baby. Loki is almost 3 months old, you need to help me in a way!", she snapped at him. "Grace, I get where you are coming from, I really do Love, but Im trying my best okay? Its hard with the team and everything..." "Oh the Team, dont even get me started on that! We cant even have a normal life for one day, something always comes up and we need to save the day. I swear to god if somethings happening to this baby or anyone in this family, Im done with you." She turned around and left. "Grace dont run away from me!" He walked after her and softly took her hand. "What do you mean we are done then? You cant walk away from me we have a family together, we have kids!" She turned around to face him. "Steve I gave up so much for you. For god sakes I even almost died to be with you and to save the City and that is just not me anymore... but its still you. The Team, the Avengers, they are also Part of your family, but if our family, Brooke... Loki... this baby and me arent coming first and we are put in danger AGAIN, because you want to play the hero, we are done." There was a short break. "What did Davina ask you?", Steve asked while looking deep into Graces eyes. "What do you mean?" "You never talked about what happened in that room, with that Serum. What did Davina ask you that made you be like that?"


"So lets get to business.", Davina said and sat down on a chair facing Grace, who was still standing. She gestured Grace to sit down, which she hesitantely did. "What do you want to know?", Grace asked. "The Nemesis Serum. What do you know about it and how did it affect you?" Grace stayed silent and just watched her. "Look, this is going to be a lot easier if you talk. Answer my question and we are done very quickly.", Davina said calmly. "Fine.", Grace finally gave in. "I Was the person who fulfilled the prophecy and with that activated my powers. With the fight against Thanos I was able to get the seventh infinity stone and Nemesis was reborn, which made me activate my powers, but also absorb Nemesis' powers. She told me that that much power is going to consume me and that I was going to die, which is why I wanted to leave Steve, so he wouldn't be broken hearted when I died. But then Hydra came and abducted me. They took Nemesis power and most of mine out of it and that created the Nemesis Serum." There was a short silence. "Still not answering my questions Mrs. Rogers." Grace sighed. "Look, I dont know what your plan is with this Serum, but its dangerous and it could go beyond life and death, even beyond everything we know. I felt this power and its really strong. It felt like I sometimes wasnt myself that it was Nemesis talking, although I killed her and so she must no longer have an impact on the Serum. Still its very dangerous." Davina stood up. "Thank you for your cooperation, thats it." Grace stood up too and walked after her. "Davina please listen to me, I know you are not a bad person, please you are loved by people, just dont do what you are planing on doing and stay or start a new life." Davina turned around. "Love is a weekness and is only poisining the human body. Everything I want, everything I need is that Serum so I dont need your advice."

*Back to the present at the Cabin*

Davina Was laying on the bed with her eyes closed listening to the Sound of the raindrops hitting the huge Windows when she felt something huge fall on her. "Easy Tiger, you wouldnt want to hurt me.", she laughed as Bucky got up from her and groaned. "You where laying there so peacefully I had to do something." She turned around to the side to look him in the eyes. They both smiled at each other, as Bucky slowly came closer and was almost kissing her. "Barnacle?" "Hmmm?" "Your food is starting to burn." And with that Bucky jumped off the bed down to the kitchen. Davina started laughing and followed him. "Well there goes our chicken Curry.", she stated as she saw the whole room in smoke. "Pizza it is then.", Bucky stated and dialed a number on his phone.

A few hours later they had eaten and where sitting on the bridge at the lake on a blanket. "Its so nice and warm out here.", Bucky stated and watched the fireflies out on the lake. Davina nodded in agreement. "So peaceful.", she added. Bucky took Davinas hand and intervined his hand with hers. They looked at each other and smiled, Bucky coming closer to her again when suddenly they heard a limb break. They turned around and stood up slowly. "Hello? Someone here?", Bucky asked. No answer. "You dumbass as if they would just tell us if they where here.", Davina whispered and grabbed a knife out of her poket. They heard another limb break. Davina threw her knife in the direction of the Sound and hit a tree. "We split up.", Bucky stated and walked into another direction. Davina walked to her knife and saw Strips of fabric hanging on it, lightly covered in blood. Suddenly she heard a gunshot. "Bucky...", she said and ran to the Sound of the gunshot.

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