Chapter 1

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It was a typical morning. the sky was a light blue and the deformed looking clouds that regularly just slowly moved where there.Sometimes i wish i had wings and could fly up there. But that was unlikely to happen. Instead of wings i have a tail and ears. Also i have the capablility to turn into a cat.Strange,right? But no one knows....I have kept iit a secret for 17 years of my life. I can sometimes tuck mycat ears in my hazel brown hair. and my tail in my pants.But enuf about that how about i tell you about me!

Im takashi. I have hazel brown hair and Hazel  eyes. I only have 1 friend and thats Kacy. I have known her for 3 years, but befor then,i was quiet lonley.But then again who wants to be friends with a cat-freak, am I righ?

Anyways, Its about time kacy knocks on my do-. BURST! Well there you go.....
"Oh my god i thought you  where dead!"she blurted spitting suliva everywhere.
"well im more than alaive,Kacy" i relpyed and gave her a towel to wipe the spit that was all over her mouth.
"Well you didn't reply to my text 2 minutes ago, and i thought you where dead!"
"really?Kacy you know i wouldn't be dead."
"well-"she started.
"you dont have anyone here with you...and well...."
I looked at her.
"Kacy im fine.And something more importaint is that my door has a hole in the middle." I said quickly to change the subject.
"Owe yeah.....sorry i was just woried."she stutered.
"Well we sure know your not skipping out your Karate skills."
"Oh you think so! I have one more belt till Black!" she said excitedly.
"All text my mom and she,ll fix-it up in no time!"
"Ok. Well while you do that all go get my tie." and i headed back to my room to grab the blue and black lined tie. I buttoned it on and fixed the rest. I shoved my tail into my blue jeans and grabbed the leather belt, straping it acroos my waiste.
"Hurry Takashi! Well be late." Kacy yelled from the liveing room.
"Comming!" i walked in and grabbed my bag and we headed out the door.

As we left we saw a blue mustange pull into the apartments parking lot.
"Hey mom!" Kacy yelled to her mother.
"Hey sweetie,I have the door.Wheres the room?"
"Its room 203,You wont miss it." I replyed jokeingly
"Ok thanks sweetie."
"No problem.

Me and Kacy reatched the hell hole called school.
"Wow I wonder if Josh is here today?" Kacy drooled just thinking of him.
"Wow,If you like him so much,just talk to him."
"What!Never!He would never exsept me!I have to put exstra make up on,and like dye mt hair blond!"She said then catching gilps of breath.
"Just be yourself.No one will exsept you,truthfully,if you present yourself as someone else."I said trying to reasure her.
"ok...But i seriously need a new outfit then!" I looked at her and just walked away.

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