Prologue: The Gathering

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Kamijou Touma, a Level 0, was hurrying with his belongings as he was trying to get himself ready for school. He was forcefully woken up by his roommate (read: freeloader), Index. He, himself had to make breakfast, which was fit for a noble as she ate most of his food while he had barely eaten so many. Eventually, he had to get dressed while having to save a certain tiny Magic God from the hands of the resident calico cat, Sphinx.

"Such misfortune, I'm going to be late" he shouted as he struggled to put on his shoes when he reached the door. His misfortunate catchphrase had caused him to slip on his slipper and crash on the doorway as the Magic God on his shoulder, Othinus, sighed exasperatedly by his blunder. Touma winced in pain as he got up from the floor and rubbed his head, where it hurt the most before going towards the door ignoring the injury.

"There's some food in the fridge if your hungry" Touma shouted as he slammed the door behind him. "Such misfortune, I'm going to be late for school!"

"If you haven't overslept the alarm then this wouldn't have happened in the first place" Othinus scolded him as she rode on his hood.

"Such misfortune" he used his signature catchphrase as he begin explaining to the tiny Magic God. "My alarm clock somehow broke when I was going to sleep yesterday."

Just as he was about to make a quick turn towards the alleyway, he and Othinus felt a chill in their spine. They felt as if someone or something was watching them as they quickly turned around towards the busy sidewalk to see anyone following them.

"Did-did you felt that Othinus" Kamijou asked the tiny Magic God who nodded.

"I know what you mean Understander" she answered. "What was that just now?"

"I feel like someone is talking about us right" he asked once more.

"I believe so" Othinus said. "Anyways, you need to get to school human!"

"R-Right" he shouted as he resumed to go down the road to his school. But when he blinked he found himself transported to what seemed to be a cinema as he frantically looked back to the way he came. Only that he found himself seeing that he was not in the alleyway anymore since he looked at the locked entrance of the cinema which was supported by chains.

"O-Othinus" Kamijou asked the tiny Magic God in panic. "Do you know where in the world are we?"

"Even if you should know where we are human" she answered in the same expression as the Level 0. "I am pretty much confused myself since I do not recognize this kind of magic anywhere!"

"Oi idiot" a familiar voice spoke to Touma which caused him to flinch in fear. He turned around as he twitched uncontrollably as he made eye contact with the third rank Level 5, Railgun.

"M-Misaka-san" he stuttered on his words as he looked at the chestnut-haired girl who wore her brown school outfit.

"What is with you and getting into trouble all the time" she scolded at him as she had a little sympathy in her tone.

"Don't blame me" he shouted back at her. "Blame my misfortune, Biribiri!"

"Don't call me that" she shouted as lighting emanated around her before unleashing it on Touma. Upon instinct, he held out his right hand with his left before the electricity made contact with it. As a result, the lighting immediately broke off upon contact with his right hand as it was negated.

"I thought I was going to die" Touma whimpered in dismay.

"You shouldn't have done that you human" Othinus quietly scolded him while shaking her head.

"Onee-sama" another familiar voice filled the cinema which gave the Level 5 Esper and Kamijou Touma dread. Suddenly, a pink girl with pigtails appeared out of nowhere and hugged Mikoto.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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