End of flashback

Now he's stalking me more than yuri I don't mind he's a sweet boy I just hope his okay,eeek I need to go to the bathroom toono will soon get back and I can't just not go and show I stink woooooo because I have been running since okay am going to bath and that's final
I jump out of bed which I was thinking in,took off my clothes and went to the bathroom

Toru's POV

I open the curtain I was hiding behind and walk towards her clothes the ones she left on the floor and start smelling her underwear and clothes
Man this girl smells*sniffs*gooood


I was looking at something on my phone when someone knocked on my door,I ignored it at first then the second time I sighed,stood up and went to the door and slowly opened it to see y/n the cute girl who hangs out with the guys she offers me chocolates and cookies,I was surprised does she actually care about me it made me blush when I collected it and went back to my room and opened the chocolate box I saw a note

Hey toru I know it's been hard for you so am always here
for you if you need a friend here
End of flashback

Now she's the one I follow around she's so cute,nice and sweet and she smells like heaven, I think I will take this. Puts y/n's underwear in his pocket and keeps sniffing her clothes then hears the shower stops. Ooh no she's done,jumps back to the curtain where he was hiding

Y/n- "ah I feel so refreshed" picks up bra then looks of panties"huh?not again that's the third one this week and it's just Tuesday "growls then goes to bag and takes new clothes and underwear

Later in evening...

Toru's POV

I got out when she fell asleep now I think I should text her but what she doesn't want to a died beat like me,eyes start to water,no I need try,cleans tears from eyes.

The chat
Hey y/n,its toru
Hi,and I know it's you what's up?
Can...we...mhmmm...go to the...mhmmm
Dinning hall together?
I would love to just me and you right?
Yes because I don't go there alone
Haha sure I'll see you in 10 minutes bye toru
See you soon love you
Wait did she actually say yes to me?me?!I don't believe it but it's in front of me,am so happy I haven't felt this feeling in awhile, she said yes,she said yes,wait I should go get ready so I don't keep her waiting
I run into my closet I wear bright green shorts and white shirt that say"life is empty sometimes" and remove her panties from where I hide it and smell it one more time before I left to go see her before I smell her from the Shadows but today I'll smell her right in front of me

A/n: soooorry it's short I tried hope you enjoyed it and too my readers thanks for reading until the next one bye guys

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