Chapter 19 - One last shot

Start from the beginning

"Oh ok, see you in a minute" said Asta, before he ran off. Noelle just stared at the darkness Asta disappeared in and sighed. And then Jack came around the corner looking like the king of the Clover kingdom and said:

"Not sure what that was that about, but if you were waiting for the opportune moment to confess..." Jack paused for a dramatic effect "that was it" he finished. Noelle went beet red.

"W-wh wh-wha what are y-you talking about, I am royalty, I would never love a commoner like him" Noelle shot back in her usual tsundere mode. Jack just laughed.

"Glad the Silvas haven't changed a bit. Now if you don't mind, I'd be much obliged if you'd drop me off at my ship" Jack said, laughing a bit. Noelle, still beet red, followed Jack out of the cave. When they exited the cave the harsh reality sat down with Jack. The spot, that was previously occupied by the Pearl was empty. And Jack knew what awaited him.

"I'm sorry Jack, there was nothing I could do" said Asta with his head down.

"They done what's right by them. Can't expect more then that" Jack said, depressed a bit. Asta and Noelle exchanged looks. 

With the sound of drums, Jack now stood at the gallows with his fate now almost certain. With nowhere to run and his hands tied, escape was not an option since they arrived. He expected punishment. Nozel expected punishment, hell even Asta expected punishment for Jack, but hanging? The beef Jack had with the Kira family must be really bad, because otherwise it didn't make sense that as soon as they made port, Jack was sentenced to be executed. Nobody but Jack and Damnation Kira seemed to understand. Damnatio stood proudly on the podium and opened a huge scroll enlisting all of Jack's misdeeds.

"Jack Sparrow" Damnatio begun.

"Captain, Captain Jack Sparrow" Jack complained.

"You are here today, to pay for your crimes against the Crown. Said crimes being numerous in quantity and sinister in nature. But that is to be expected of someone like you. The most egregious of these to be cited herewith:" Damnatio basically recited. Jack looked around and noticed a short magic knight with a hood on walking down the crowd of noisy royals.

"Piracy, smuggling, burglary...." Damnatio continued. At the very back stood Noelle, Nozel and Dorothy, all observing the execution.

"This is wrong." Noelle said, disgusted.

"Once Damnatio Kira wants someone dead, there's not much anyone can do, especially if they're a criminal" Dorothy said looking at Nozel, who also seemed to disagree with the execution.

"...impersonating a royal in order to infiltrate a royal banquet, assaulting the future king of the Clover kingdom,..." Damnatio continued, and Jack just chuckled:

"Oh yeah, that one." He looked around, but it didn't connect with the audience.

"...sailing under false colours, arson, kidnapping, looting, poaching, biganadage, pilfering,..." Damnatio still continued. Suddenly a familiar parrot landed on a flagpole Murtogg was carrying and proceeded to ruin Murtogg's uniform. The magic knight tried to get rid of the bird, but it had a mind of it's own. The caped knight noticed that and decided to move on with his plan.

"....and for these crimes you are sentenced to be hung by the neck until dead." Damnatio finished with a sadistic smirk. He then proceeded to whisper something to Jack's ear, which visibly shook Jack. The masked knight then walked to Noelle and her company and revealed himself as Asta.

"Captain Nozel, Captain Dorothy." Asta greeted the captains politely and then turned to Noelle.

"Noelle, I just want to say that you're an important part of my life. You were by my side since the day I joined the Black bulls, and in your own way, you allways supported me. We helped each other grow. And now look at us. Two years later and I am so glad I can call you my best friend. You're amazing, strong and beautiful. Never change Noelle" and with that Asta turned and made his way through the crowd. As the noose was tied around Jack's neck, Noelle noticed the familar parrot leave the flagpole. She then saw Asta rush his way through the crowd. She put one and one together and was onto the plan. She wasn't the only one, who had caught on.

"Knights" Nozel said and hastily pieced the puzzle together. Sadly for him Noelle knew just the thing to throw him off.

"I can't breathe" Noelle said and fell. That sure got the attention of Dorothy.

"Nozel!" she shouted, and made Nozel take a complete 180. Asta pulled out his Demon slayer, which made the crowd shriek and disperse a bit.

"MOVE!" he then shouted as the executioner got ready execute. Jack sure noticed that. Then the drums stopped.

Noelle sat up quickly to see. 

Executioner pulled the lever.

And Asta threw his sword.

And that's it for todays chapter. One more, and we're done with part one. I am gonna be away for a quite a long time, but I made sure that I'll write the finale right after I'll release this one.  Once it's finished It'll be published most likely on monday. Anyways  I'll see you in the final chapter of part one.

Pirates of The Clover seas - The Curse of the Black PearlWhere stories live. Discover now