Nothing About You

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"Hi, I'm Sebastian."

Sebastian. That's a pretty name- wait no I'm dating someone else, I can't call him pretty even if it's his name. I meant, it's a nice name. Oh, he keeps looking at me. I should talk before he thinks I'm weird.

"You have big eyes." Fuck, that sounds very judgmental. Should I apologise?

"I know, it's the first thing anyone tells me" He looks annoyed but flustered..?

"Oh, uhhh. What are your classes?" I ask. "A lot of easy classes" "Really? Me too, how come I've never seen you before in this class?"

The way he looked at me made me question who exactly he is... I see a piece of hair out of place and I really want to fix it but I don't want him to think I like him. Wait- LIKE HIM??? The hell am I saying? I just met him and I'm dating Alex and he most definitely won't like who I'm even talking to Sebastian. But if I don't tell him he will be even more upset.

"Well because I really don't-" He was interrupted by Mrs. McCorkle talking about equations, at least I think that's what she was talking about. I can't really focus on what she's saying since I'm so caught up thinking about Sebastian and who he might be.

He seems nice, but what if he just hates me because I frightened him a bit with my extroverted self. Ugh please Delilah, he just met you why would he hate you?? Stop overthinking, he knows nothing about you.

short chapter but they will be many chapters
pretty swag ik ik 😌
next one now... DUN DUN DUNNNN

you weren't my mistakeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu