Start from the beginning

AMANDA LOVE WINTERS DIED THE DAY SHE WAS BORN. When her candlelit caramel eyes opened to the world's vivid colors, it only lasted a few seconds before they met with endless darkness. She was left in that infinite crevasse for 2 minutes until the doctors brought her back to life.

AMY WAS BORN IN THE MOST EXPENSIVE SILK, ONLY TO BE THROWN INTO A COLD BOX THEY CALLED HOME. She belonged to both worlds, and in the meantime, she belonged to nowhere. Her mother was a born and bred Sunnyvaler, who dared to be in love with a Shadysider. That made Amy a half-breed in a way, but instead of carrying the parts of the two sides, she felt like she didn't fit in anywhere.

SHE WAS LIVING IN SHADYSIDE WITH HER MOTHER, OUT OF REGARD FOR HER DEAD FATHER. Because that had been the plan her mother made with her lover, although the plan turned to a broken promise as soon as she saw her lover with an ax on his head.

LOVE FAMILY NAME WAS A BLISS. The blood that moved in their icy veins like acid was sacred. She had harked those lairy words at the early ages, and over time they were carved into her brain.

AMY HAD AGNIZED THAT PERHAPS THE WINTERS FAMILY NAME WAS CURSED. Because her father's fate awaited and crawled towards her like a cunning serpent. Death stuck its claws to the Winters just like Ryan Torres recently stuck his knife to her uncle.

MATTHEW GOODE WAS FED UP WITH HIS LIFE. Beyond doubt, he was aware of he at least should have been content with his life, considering he was wallowing in money. (Because let's be honest whoever said the money couldn't buy happiness clearly didn't have enough money.) But something was missing, no amount of money was able to fill the hollowness inside of him. He was drowning in people's expectations of him, and he never seemed to know what he actually wanted. (Because nobody asked or cared.)

CRYSTAL PEREZ WAS THE GOLDEN SHADYSIDER. (Which was almost like catching lightning in a bottle, because the voiceless reality was that Shadysiders were the scum of the earth.) She was a freewheeler, never refraining from speaking up. Perhaps that might have been the reason why Deena Johnson cut the painter and parted her way with Crystal. She didn't give a damn about it; Deena could run and cry after her so-called girlfriend as far as she was concerned. (Now that, she thought about it, the reason may have been her calling Samantha Fraser, the girlfriend in question, a timorous bitch.)

THE WITCH'S CURSE TOOK A LOT OF PEOPLE FROM AMY. She wasn't going to let it take anyone else from her. After Deena Johnson's attempt to murder them in a car crash, unlike the popular opinion, the hospital was not the safest place. Once she saw the psycho with a knife who dressed up a dead ringer for her uncle's killer, she knew it was her fate to stop the curse. Even though, it would kill her in the end.

Matthew and Crystal had to leave behind their bias and history in order to keep their best friend alive, of course, along with keeping their body and soul together.

The story of 3 lonely teens, who tried to stop an agelong curse and paid the price with their souls.

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AFTERLIFE,  simon kalivoda ✓Where stories live. Discover now