Chapter 15

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They hurried to the Gift Shop, and was relieved to see their boss waiting for them. He was opening the doors of Starr Park. "Right on time, I see." The boss smiled warmly.

"I'm sorry we're late, sir," Edgar said between pants. 

"No worries, you aren't late. I just came here as well," the boss explained.

Colette and Edgar exchanged confused looks; the boss wasn't normally late. Just like Colette, he was bright and early. The boss laughed at their faces. "Well, we have a matter to discuss. Let's go into the Gift Shop, shall we?" 

The two followed their boss inside, and they settled themselves in. The boss took a deep breath before announcing, "I'm retiring."

"What?!" Edgar and Colette yelled in unison.

"I'm joking, relax!" he said. "Well, half of it is true. I am no longer working for the Gift Shop. Instead, I'll be helping the manager of the rides! It has always been my dream to work with them."

"Sir, I hope this doesn't sound mean, but why didn't you sign up to work with the rides before? You didn't have to work as a manager for the Gift Shop." Colette asked.

"That's a very good question; you see, I thought my dream job was to work at a Gift Shop. However, that's what everyone wanted me to be. Since Starr Park is famous, everyone wanted me to have a high role there and make lots of money."

"Oh, I see." Colette nodded.

"Anyway, other than that, you'll have a new boss." 

Edgar grumbled, but Colette grew excited. "Are they a new brawler? Oh boy, I need to get their autograph and picture-."

"Don't get too excited," the boss (well, ex-boss) interrupted. He looked around to make sure no one was nearby and whispered to them, "he's not the best boss."

"Why not?" Colette questioned.

"Well, he's not him," Edgar pointed at their ex-boss.

"That, and a lot more. His name is Griff, and he kind of has a bad reputation. However, he is good with dealing with money, so Starr Park had to hire him. Except he is very greedy... and he could make the decisions unfair most of the time." 

"Oh no," Edgar groaned. "Just when I thought things could get any worse."

"Do not worry. If there is any trouble or if things get out of hand, you know who to call." Their ex-boss assured.

"You?" Colette said hopefully.

"Well, uh, you could call me, but I recommend the boss of Starr Park himself." 

"Okay, then." Edgar shrugged.

"Griff isn't going to be here today, but you'll be able to meet him tomorrow. That means today will be the final day you'll have me as your boss."

"Then let's make the most of it!" Colette stood up, and she almost immediately started working.

"I can't with that girl..." Edgar sighed, but he blushed slightly. "She really is something else."

The ex-boss whispered towards Edgar. "I have a feeling you two have something between you, hm~?"

Edgar's face turned tomato red, and the ex-boss started laughing. "I was joking around. Unless you two actually have something between you-?"

"Yes, we do. But please stop teasing," Edgar pleaded.

"Alright then- it'll be our little secret. Just make sure to be careful if you want it to stay a secret from Griff."

Edgar nodded, and their ex-boss left to pack their things.

Edgar looked back at Colette, who was scribbling things in her scrapbook, and sighed dreamily. He thought about how they met and smirked. "I'm kind of glad we had that personality swap- our relationship was a wild ride."

Colette went to a fresh new page and glued a few pictures of Edgar and Colette together. She grabbed her pen and started writing, "Through hardships, laughter and joy, we will always stay together. The journey was long, but felt short in a sort of way. I will always stay as his Colette, and he will always stay as my Eddie."

She slammed her scrapbook shut and smiled; Colette grabbed Edgar's hand and Edgar blushed, and they both walked to the storage room. "Let's start a new chapter, okay? I want to make a lot of memories with you, Edgar." 

"From now on, we will, Colette. Let's make a change." 

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