Its a somewhat cold Friday morning. The alarm goes off and y/n groans as she half opens her eyes to turn it off. The time reads 6:47 am and she sighs.
I'd best get up now before I don't get up at all. She thinks, before quickly swinging her legs out from beneath the warm duvet covers that hugged her whilst she slept, and made her way to the bathroom to freshen up and shower.

She dodged the bathroom mirror like always, and turned on the shower and stepped in. For a while she just stood there whilst the warm water poured over her like a blanket and almost fell asleep again but thought to herself that if she didn't get on with what she needed to do, today was going to be a long day.

She hopped out of the shower and headed back into her room, before straightening her hair. Theres nothing special about her. She's painfully unattractive. And she knows it. It causes her a great deal of pain but she gets on with things anyway because she knows she can't change anything about herself, so instead hides underneath a persona of I will join in on the cruel things you say about me because you have said them so much its all I can see. So she doesn't look in the mirrors in the morning, because she won't leave the house if she does.

She picks out a pair of jeans she didn't want to buy, but had to because she decided that going to school in joggers would make her look completely trampy, a shirt, a hoodie with a zipper (she liked those ones the most) and her pair of white air forces which she regrets buying because whenever she wears them to go out, the slightest bit of dirt is visible, because they're white.

She puts on her backpack and pops her head through her Moms bedroom door too see her fast asleep, but still whispers
'Mom, I'm going now, bye.'
'Mm' her mom manages to manage back at her but then turns her back to the door where y/n was stood. So y/n heads out the front door to the bus stop and waits patiently for it to arrive. Which it does, so she steps on and finds a seat next to the window and sets her bag down next to it, while watching the dull, blue day go past her.

I dont have a name for this yet but Carl Gallagher is in it!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant