Bastards of Oblivion

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[Nysaiah POV]

Bastards. They're all selfish bastards. They don't care about anyone but themselves and their masters. The Daedra, of course. They serve their masters with no thoughts and no remorse. Even the ones I thought I could trust have stabbed me in the back. The one I stopped my husband from killing. The one I took into my home and protected. He betrayed me for power and greed.

Grygenz Godsbody, the Daedric Prince of Fear. More like manipulation if you ask me. He killed my husband and burned my home to the ground. I gave him life, and he used that to destroy mine. I still remember the day I first laid eyes on him. I saw a child who needed my help and guidance. I didn't care he was a Daedra, but now I should have seen that he was. I wish I could've know then what I know now: Daedra are manipulative, greedy bastards. Every one of them.

Some may say that Grygenz Godsbody made sacrifices to save Nirn, but he didn't intend to save Nirn in the beginning. It was a convenient solution to a bad situation he had gotten himself into when he decided to stab the Daedric Prince of Destruction in the back. Of course the prince of destruction would retaliate, but Grygenz didn't care.

He even went and pissed off the Daedric prince of domination. What a smart move that was, Grygenz. The two princes then teamed up, something they would never do, by the way, and invaded Nirn when it was at its weakest. Grygenz had an amulet that kept the Daedra of oblivion out of Nirn. The only way the amulet could keep the Daedra out was if a Dragonborn wore the amulet and lit the dragonfires in the temple of the one located in the imperial city. Grygenz wasn't a Dragonborn and he couldn't light the dragonfires. With the veil between Nirn and oblivion gone, The prince of domination, Molag Bal, and the prince of destruction, Mehrunes Dagon could enter Nirn whenever they wanted to.

Of course Dagon and Molag did just that. They took armies to Nirn and invaded Cyrodiil, home of the imperials. While they did that, Grygenz hid in his realm Purgatory like a coward. He was too scared to face a situation he had created.

Before the princes invaded though, they created a new being to go into Grygenz's realm and try to stop him. Even though he had the amulet of kings, Dagon and Molag still thought that someone with some of their essence could stop Godsbody. At the time, I was in Mehrunes Dagon's realm The Deadlands doing what I could to help stop Grygenz.

The Daedric princes only used me like they did with every mortal they crossed paths with. They used me, and created a creature they called Molag Dagon. At the time, I had no idea what I did while I was Molag Dagon. I woke up on the floor of a dark mysterious realm with Grygenz standing over me.

It was then when I realized I wanted nothing to do with Daedra. I told Grygenz to take me back to Nirn and he did.

After that, I didn't see him until one of his minions appeared on my doorstep with my unconscious husband, Audret, in his arms. At first I thought he was dead, until I felt his skin. "What is this and who are you?" I asked the Daedra. He was tall, muscular and he had long hair. Most Daedra I've seen didn't have hair.

"Grygenz Godsbody asked me to bring this mortal to you. They call me Ryrenzo, but sometimes just Ry for short." The Dremora says.

I opened the door for him, but I still didn't trust him. "Put in my bedroom, it's down the hall to the left." Ryrenzo does as I ask, and I follow him down the hall. I still didn't trust him, and I didn't know if the man in his arms was real.

"I'd like you to leave now." I say after Ryrenzo lays Audret down on the bed. The Daedra doesn't say a word and walks back the way he came.

I sit down next to the unconscious form of Audret. "I don't even know if you're real... but I've missed you." I say quietly, and lay a hand on his chest. "You won't believe what has happened since you've been gone. I don't even know what happened to you." I say, then pull up a chair and sit down.

Just as I sat, I hear the sound of a portal opening, and someone walking through. I turn to see a taller pale man walk through. I recognized him. He was a Nord that went by the name Jurgan, but in reality, it was Grygenz in disguise.

I roll my eyes. "I don't want you here. Leave, now. You already know how I feel."

"I'm the one that saved him." He ignores what I said.

"No, you were the one that killed him, Godsbody. Now as I said, I want you gone. I don't want to talk to you." I say, and turn away from him.

"I might have killed him, but that's because I was being controlled by Mehrunes Dagon. I'm not controlled by him anymore, and when I got news that Audret was still alive, I went and saved him, Nysaiah. You can hate me for the past, but I realized what I've accomplished since then." I didn't care though. I just wanted him to leave because he couldn't do anything that would change what he did in the past.

"So what?! Audret wasn't the only one that was killed by you. You destroyed my home, and I could never forgive you for that. You might have brought Audret back, but you can't bring Seyda Neen back. I don't ever wanna see you or another Daedra again."

"I want to talk to Audret, please." I at least owed it to Audret to get both sides of the the situation. Audret deserved to hear both sides before he believed one or the other.

"Fine, you can wait in the other room." I say, then I hear him leave. I sit there and wait for Audret to wake up.

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