Gold and Silver

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Senku commented, "I never imagined you would be as heavy as the tree." It didn't seem to be a simple or lighthearted statement after seeing Hana pull the rope down and turn on the pulley.

With her feet already on the ground and her hands still gripping the rope, she cried out, "Hey! You said a strength of a high school freshman can do this work!"

Finally, the blonde managed to release herself from the tree, expressing her appreciation and surprise at the pair's cooperation.

"My name is Kohaku. It seems I've somehow completely fallen for you.", the blonde introduced, and suddenly confessed to Senku as she was fixing her ponytail with a 'Rope...?', with the average blue-haired girl observing.

Gently setting down the tree, Hana returned her attention to Kohaku, feeling oddly eager about Senku's impending response. 'Well, this is making my heart race...'

With a furrowed brow, Senku remarked, "Agh, it seems you've gone and said something incredibly tiresome." Hana, meantime, covered her mouth and tried not to laugh out.

"Suddenly falling in love, in this kind of emergency situation..." He was taken aback, but Kohaku assured him that her interest was solely in him as a person.

Following that, he saw his partner appeared to be about to pass out from holding back her laughter.

The green-haired scientist said, deadpan, "Don't be shy letting it all out, Hana." At that point, his friend laughed aloud, clutching her stomach.

Hana cried a little and wiped away some tears from the corner of her eye. "Is this a romcom...pfft HAHAHAHHA!" she declared.

Hana stopped laughing and took a deep breath. Senku grumbled, "A brain in love is the most illogical variety of trouble."

With a small chuckle, Hana commented softly, "Why would I not be surprised from that..."

All three of them agreed to have a night off. Kohaku slept soundly on a tree, both sitting and lying on her back. Senku had just one sleeping bag, and Hana had recently de-petrified, so she also told him she would sleep like the blonde.

"This is enough for the two of us. Don't be ridiculous." His sleeping bag transformed into a large blanket in a matter of minutes.

"Whoah, that's incredible. However, everything happened so quickly today...I don't even know why I'm surprised," she said, letting out a deep sigh before leaning onto the tree to rest.

A slight grin crossed Senku's face as he pulled the blanket around her and sat down next to her, not knowing quite how he could comfort his friend.

The breeze was making poor Hana feel sleepy, and the night was calm. She was so sleepy that her eyes became heavy, and she gave up trying to fight it. Her head abruptly lowered, causing the green-haired man to sense her movement and turn to face her.

Her head hung so low that he could feel her pain in his own nape, so he reached carefully, cupped her left side of the face, and gently laid it on his shoulder. The average girl scooted down further on his side, snoring lightly as she felt another warmth.

The green-haired scientist glanced over his shoulder and let his mind drift as he noticed the light-blue-haired typical girl dozing off on him. He questioned what was causing the suddenly surrounding nice feeling. However, he quickly made the decision to ignore an answer to his question.

'I'll just sleep it away...'

Kohaku would be going to her village with the two after their night off, since Senku mentioned that he would require help.

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