Chapter 3 - The Plans

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Emma entered Killian's office the next day with his usual coffee. "Rich boys coffee," Emma announced dramatically as she placed the hot cup on his desk.

He looked up and mouthed the words "thank you" as he finished his phone call.

"Hello, love," he said as he hung up the phone. "Killian," she responded with a small smile. "The dressmaker said it'd be ready by Saturday, but some family emergencies caused them to stray," he explained.

"Oh, okay," Emma said.

Killian pulled out a sheet of paper with writing on it. "So here are some ideas for what we're going to do."

"We're discussing this now." Emma asked, confused.

"Yes, we won't have time later," he said, motioning to the chair in front of his desk, "please take a seat."

Emma sat down slowly and asked, "Did you plan this out all night?"

"No, just all morning while I waited for my coffee," he admitted. "Hey, I know I didn't take that long," she said, crossing her arms. "I know," he chuckled, taking out his list. "one: where we met"

"High school," Emma interrupted. "Yes but-"

"He knows we met in high school," Emma reminded "Right, then..." he sighed and switched to the next topic "Where we hooked up: the bar," he explained. "The bar?" she asked, raising her eyebrow at him. "You do drink, don't you?" Killian asked teasingly.

"When I'm out with friends, but..."

"But what?" he asked. "That sounds more like a one-night stand than two mature adults starting a relationship," Emma explained quietly.

"It's not; we had a conversation at the bar, realized we shared the same interests, and started dating," Killian explained, hoping she'd feel better.

"Okay, then," Emma said quietly.

He explained other things like:
- She stands on his right side.
- She laughs at a lot of what he says.
- She smiles at him lovingly every so often.
- They'll hold hands most of the time.
- The only time they part is to get drinks or use the washroom.
- They'll be there all night.

Emma named a few things for him to do, like:
- Call her luv or Swan not lass
- wrap his arm around her sometimes
- kiss her cheek
- whisper something in her ear
- She calls him Jones or Killy.
- He treats her like a queen.
- He can't criticize her or delve too deeply into their "relationship."
- And no arrangements were made for her to attend future gatherings.

They both agreed, exchanged lists, and went back to work for the rest of the day.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Emma went home that night, lying in bed, remembering how her job interview had gone when she first applied to work for Killian.

*FlashBack - Emma's P.O.V*

I was sitting by the office waiting for my job interview as a secretary here at one of Brennan Jones' fashion magazine companies. I had just graduated college; some may think it's too early to go to work, but for me it was just perfect timing. I was waiting for my turn when some girl walked out looking like she had been crying.

Damn, is the interviewer that much of a douche?

"Oh, um, he said if you're next, you can go," she sniffled. "Are you okay, sweetie?" I asked her, concerned. She nodded, taking a cloth from her purse and dabbing her tears away, saying, "He's really tough; good luck."

I sighed nervously before walking in.

I was surprised when I saw Killian Brennan Jones, my old nemesis and my crush. But he never reciprocated his feelings for me.

"Killian," I breathed out, shocked but also relieved in some ways that he was the interviewer. "You say that like you just saw me for the first time in a while," he stated. "Do I know you from somewhere?" He added confused.

"Emma Swan from high school, we used to compete in like everything," I explained, and I'd hope that he remembers; I mean, this was big for us.

"I only remember an Emma Nolan," he stated. Okay, nevermind; he's dumb. I thought to myself. "Yesss, well, I changed my last name," I said awkwardly.

"It's really you, Nolan?" He asked, shocked. I nodded, not too sure if this was awkward or not. "Wow, it's been awhile." He smiled, and he seemed more friendly than before.

"Yes, it has," I said, smiling back. But the next thing that he did really shocked me. Killian Jones, my old rival, got out of his seat and hugged me! He actually hugged me. I was shocked, and I think he realized it too and pulled away quickly.

"Oh um, well, you've got the job," he said. "Don't you need to look at my records or something?" I asked confused.

"I've known you since high school; who better to be my secretary than Emma Nolan?" He said it happily. "Oh, okay," I said, shocked but also relieved that he'd actually trust me for this position. He handed me some papers for me to fill out, and as I started doing some, he said something that shocked me.

"Swan, there's one thing you need to know," he started. "What is it?" I asked, confused. "I don't get with my workers; if you're going to be here, it's strictly for business; no crushes should return," he said. I swear to God, my stomach dropped after those sentences. He knew!?, he knew I liked him ALL THESE YEARS!, I was only 23, so was he. I wasn't in college for that long, and our families gave us money to get around.

"Oh, that thing; don't worry, Jones, I'm over it, and I don't plan on dating anytime soon." I lied, but only half-truthfully; I wasn't interested in relationships at the time; he's just a crush.

"Okay, good," he said, relieved. "I wouldn't want things to be awkward or feelings to be hurt."

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