I know that you're scared

Start from the beginning

Natasha sighed, “Wands, we’ve talked about this.”

“I just don’t understand why you won’t let me in.” She spoke softly, not lifting her head to meet the gaze of the other woman.

“You know why.”

“Oh, don’t give me that bullshit excuse Natasha! I don’t care about your past or the things you’ve done! Everyone is deserving of love!” Wanda shouted, not realizing the extent of the volume of her voice until she had finally calmed down from her tangent.

“Well not me…” She spoke softly as she finished brushing her teeth, wiping her mouth and then exiting the bathroom.

Wanda huffed, overly frustrated with the situation that was currently unfolding.

“Everyone is deserving of love Nat.” She spoke as she made her way over to her, wrapping her arms around her waist.

The Russian relaxed underneath Wanda’s touch, falling back into her arms almost immediately, allowing herself to fully succumb to her feelings.

“I get it, I know you’re scared, I know it’s scary falling in love and trusting and giving your heart to someone, and I’m sorry if I’ve scared you with how open I am but I just want you to know that I love you, Natasha. I love everything about you. And I’m not asking you to be someone you can’t me, I’m not asking you to change, I just want you to be you. That’s all I’m asking.”

She let out a shaky breath, taking in the words Wanda had just spoken. She was right, she was scared, she was scared of a lot of things. She didn’t want to let Wanda down, she knew she couldn’t be the person she deserved, she was scared of loving and trusting and then getting hurt because all she’s ever experienced in her life is pain. She didn’t want to lose the one thing that meant everything to her because she fucked up.

She turned around in Wanda’s arms and wrapped her arms around the back of her neck, playing with her hair loosely. She stared into the emerald eyes that were sk desperately searching hers for any type of response or an answer to the confession that was just made.

She licked her lips before leaning close enough to Wanda that their lips were just slightly grazing, before speaking lowly, “Why don’t you show me how much I deserve it?”

A small groan left Wanda as she smashed their lips together in a needy kiss. All of emotions that Natasha had let hold up inside of her were relaxed the second she felt Wanda’s lips on hers and she mentally yelled at herself for ever holding back.

Wanda tried her best to pour every ounce of love and adoration that she had for the woman into the kiss, months of pent up lust and love all flowing through her body freely as she poured her heart and soul into the kiss.

Natasha’s hands moved from Wanda’s neck to grab at her hips, slipping her fingers under the fabric of her t-shirt and sliding them up the bare skin of her stomach. She could feel the hitch in Wanda’s breath against their kiss and the goosebumps rise in her skin as her hands slowly moved their way up her body to grab at one of her favorite features.

Natasha swears, and will continue to swear until the day that she dies that Wanda’s boobs were quite literally made for her. The way that she’s able to grab and hold them so perfectly within her hands is pretty amazing if you were to ask her.

“Fuck Nat..” Wanda breathes out as Natasha’s hands firmly grab onto her breasts as she kneads at them, whilst kissing her way down Wanda’s neck.

“I-“ Wanda swallowed back a moan. “I thought-“ She’s cut off by Natasha nipping at her sweet spot and causing a moan to release from deep within.

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