Never I have ever

Start from the beginning

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” She spoke with a smirk on her face as she walked farther into the party and over to the bar. She smiled to herself when she saw that Natasha was behind the bar, serving drinks to everyone who came by. She was tired of waiting, waiting for her to make the first move so she was going to do whatever she could to get the Russian to break, after all, having the Black Widow in her bed is something she’s wanted since the day she first laid eyes on her.

So, she weaved her way through the party guests, finding a spot leant up against the bar, adjusting her arms so that way they were pushing her tits out more than normal. Yes, her outfit in itself was already revealing enough, but showing off a bit more cleavage wouldn’t do anyone any arm, nor would she receive protests.

She knew her actions were proving to work as she caught a glimpse of Natasha staring, but she didn’t acknowledge it, instead she motioned her over with her finger.

Natasha gulped as she broke out of her trance, wiping the sweat on her hands off on her skirt before making her way over to Wanda. If god was a woman it would definitely be her.

“What can I get for you?” She asked nervously as she too leaned herself up against the bar, looking at Wanda who still had a smirk on her face.

“You..” Wanda mumbled to herself, hoping that the comment would fly past the woman’s ears but Natasha’s years of spy training allowed her to ear the smallest of sounds, even if it was mumbled out. “Uhm, surprise me.” Wanda spoke aloud this time and Natasha just nodded, turning to bust herself behind the bar while making her a drink.

“Wanda!” Someone called out from the other side of the room, causing both Wanda and Natasha to turn their heads in the direction of the voice, and to say Natasha was annoyed when she saw the face that came along with the voice, would be an understatement.

Yelena made her way over to the bar, eyes set on Wanda as she weaved her way over to the woman before embracing her in a hug.

“I was hoping to see you here tonight!” She exclaimed happily, a little too happily as her eyes raked over Wanda’s body, taking in her full appearance before licking her lips.

Wanda smirked at the woman before her, wrapping an arm around her waist and holding her close to her.

“Oh, I wouldn’t miss the chance of seeing your sexy ass, now would I?” Natasha could’ve gagged, literally felt the bile of throw up forming in her throat as she watched the exchange between the too, gripping the glass in her hand a little too hard when she saw Yelena’s hand make its way to secure itself on the back of Wanda’s neck, fiddling with a few stray baby pieces of hair.

“Here’s your drink.” Natasha finally spoke up, causing both women who were just seconds ago caught up in each other to look over at Natasha, who displayed a look of annoyance on her face. Wanda offered her a soft smile, grabbing her drink and taking a sip.

“Oh, this is lovely, thank you Nat.” She spoke as she took a sip again, maintaining eye contact with the Russian as she licked her lips, Natasha’s knees grew impossibly weaker at the action.

Yelena was quick to grab Wanda and drag her away from the bar, pulling her to the dance floor, arm wrapped tightly around her waist as Wanda danced against the woman. Natasha watched from afar, gripping the edge of the bar as she practically seethed with jealousy at the close proximity of the two women.

That should be her, she should be the one dragging Wanda to the dance floor, she should be the one with her arm wrapped around Wanda’s waist as she was tightly pressed up against her, whispering sweet nothings into her ear about how she wanted to fuck her after the party.

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