The Cheery Christmas Couple (Pt. 1)

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This is a tickle-interaction between Girlfriend and Boyfriend! Hope you enjoy!

Boyfriend and Girlfriend happily walked through the shopping mall, picking out their gifts for their loved ones. It was a couple days before Christmas and they decided to get their holiday shopping over with as soon as possible since it was so hard to buy for people. "A glow-in-the-dark skeleton cat? I think Skid will love this!", Boyfriend said as he picked up the plushie and put in his cart.

"Look Boyfriend! Which clothes do you think my mom would like?", Girlfriend said as she walked over to Boyfriend, holding a bunch of clothes. She was a bit surprised when Boyfriend didn't answer. He stared off a bit before blinking and looking at her. "O-Oh! Sorry Girlfriend! I guess I'm a little lost in my thoughts! Based on her outfit choice for her concerts, I think maaayyybe...this one!", Boyfriend said as he pointed to an outfit.

"You know, you're so right! She would love this!", Girlfriend said as she looked at it before folding it and putting it in the cart. She then turned to her boyfriend and blinked. He was mumbling to himself. "Boyfriend? ok?", she said as she put her hand out and rested it on Boyfriend's shoulder. He blinked and looked over at Girlfriend. "Sorry...It's probably dumb. I'm just wondering about that monster we saw back in Halloween. It was all so weird and crazy..."

Girlfriend sighed and smiled as she picked up Boyfriend. "Don't worry too much about it! The monster's gone now! We haven't seen him for 2 months! Everything will be fine I'm sure!", she said with a grin as Boyfriend smiled a bit. "I'm glad you think it's ok at least..", he said with a sigh. Girlfriend blinked before smiling innocently as she gently squeezed Boyfriend's hips, making him let out a squeaky yelp.


"Come on Boyfriend! It's Christmas time! You have to be happy on Christmas!~", Girlfriend said as she continued to squeeze Boyfriend's hips. "Beheheheep! Nohohohoho!", he exclaimed as he tried to wiggle free. He got an idea as he managed to squeeze Girlfriend's hips, making her let out a shrieky squeal and stop her tickling. "You need to be happy on Christmas too!", he exclaimed as he squeezed her hips repeatedly, making her squeal and snort.

"AHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHAO! HOHOHONEY PLEHEHEAHAHASE!", Girlfriend exclaimed as she wiggled around in Boyfriend's grip. He snickered before feeling jabs to his sides, causing squeals to erupt from him.



The two ended up getting into a massive tickle fight; right there in the mall. The people wandering the stores didn't know what to think about this. Some gave weird looks, some thought it was cute. Regardless, the cheery couple were having fun. "GIHIHIHIRLFRIEHEHEND! BOHOHOOP! NAHAHAT THEHEHERE!", Boyfriend shrieked out as he was hugged by Girlfriend, who was also tickling his belly. She snickered and continued her tickly attack.

"Cootchie cootchie coo! Awwww, what a cute little blue boy you are! Are you my little ticklish blue boy?~", she teased as she squeezed his belly. He snorted (quite loudly) and flailed his arms a bit as he curled up slightly to try and defend himself. "Awwww! Look at you! Curling up like a wiggly worm!~", she teased again. She then squeaked as she felt Boyfriend jabbing at her hips again. "HEHEY-! BOHOHOYFRIHIEND!"

"FahAHAHACE my wrahahath!", he exclaimed before gathering his strength to free himself and grab Girlfriend. He immediately began to skitter up and down Girlfriend's sides and waist, making her shriek and squirm. "EHEHEHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHO! NAHAHAT FAHAHAIR!", she squealed out as she tried to squirm away. "You said it yourself! Anything's fair game now!~", Boyfriend teased as he continued his ticklish reign, squeezing her sides and hips to oblivion.

After a bit more tickle fighting, the two called it a draw and greedily breathed in air, giggling from ghost tickles. The two smiled at each-other as they held each-other's hands. "I love you Boyfriend", she said with a grin. "I love you t-", he started before immediately hearing shouting and crying. It wasn't just any crying. It was kids crying. He looked around before realizing the sound came from outside the store. The two ran out and sighed. Oh no.

From below, they could see Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest standing in front of a mall Santa. You know, the typical Santas in a mall that gets paid to deal with kids on his lap and get told what they want. A bunch of little kids were crying. "Move mister! I wanna meet Santa!", one kid shouted as Daddy Dearest grinned evilly. "Kid, Santa ain't even real! This is some jacka** man dressed up as him!"

"T-That's not true..."

"Even if it were, who cares about Christmas? Joy and giving gifts?! Yuck! What a disgrace. Still even with his god damn holiday, we'll still be having a little fun~", Mommy Mearest said as Daddy Dearest...suddenly pulled a gun on the mall Santa, who was cowering in fear. Clearly he didn't get paid enough to deal with this. "Dad stop! What are you doing?!", Girlfriend exclaimed as she ran down the escalator along with Boyfriend. "Oh! There's our darling! Come! We're about to blow this freak's head off!"

"No! You can't blow that man's head off! Especially not in front of all these people!", Boyfriend exclaimed as the crowd whispered, wondering what was going on. "Oh yeah?" Daddy Dearest only sneered and pushed the mall Santa away from his chair. Next thing everyone knew, Daddy Dearest was sitting on the chair, Mommy Mearest on his lap holding a mic. "Make us", they said threateningly as they stared down Girlfriend and Boyfriend.

"Oh Satan...I'm so sorry about them", Girlfriend said, completely ashamed and disappointed at the stunt. Boyfriend sighed and shrugged as Girlfriend sat on a stereo Daddy Dearest had summoned. "Don't worry Girlfriend! Our Christmas cheer is sure to sway them! Let's show them what Christmas is all about!", Boyfriend exclaimed with a smirk as he pulled out his mic. Girlfriend smiled back and happily cheered for Boyfriend. It was time for this cheery Christmas couple to battle.

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