Chapter 15: An Inferior Insect

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“My, you have made such a fantastic dress, thank you.”

When the wedding dress was finished, it was brought straight to Marietta. She quickly tried it on for a final check, but thanks to the seamstress’ considerable skill, there were almost no adjustments necessary.

The white dress, undying symbol of a pure maiden, was constructed of flexible fabrics and decorated with lace, favoring Marietta’s simple beauty.

“So I will be wearing this, when I marry Sir Belvant.”

Watching the innocent princess gaze at her reflection with a smile, Sierra sighed.

“Concerning your liking of General Fargus…”

She was still embarrassed about her own misunderstanding.

“My lady, when did you first find yourself attracted to General Fargus?”

“Oh, since the first time I saw his portrait, of course! I think that no matter who saw such a dreamy portrait, they would fall hopelessly in love. That’s why I immediately confiscated it from dear father and made it my own, hehe. Here Sierra, I’ll let you see it.”

Once she changed back into her casual clothes, Marietta rushed off to the luggage and rustled through it until she found her important portrait, turning it around to show Sierra.


Sierra felt her breath stop.

Is this a ward against evil?!

With a perfect depiction of Belvant’s absolute zero glare, the portrait waxed with his fiendish intensity. If she were to call it dreadful, it would no doubt be dreadful enough to effectively scare away demons.

At that, Sierra had a recollection.

Marietta had always liked her stories, but she had especially enjoyed the ones featuring knights, swordsmen, and warriors. She was primarily infatuated with stories where these characters who found body language distressing would obtain the heroine. She didn’t seem to have much motivation for the stories of beautiful princes, in fact. Come to think of it, Marietta’s interest hadn’t been much of a mystery by the time this strong portrait came along.

However, even Marietta’s taste had to have limits.  In Sierra’s mind, there was no way a normal woman could fall in love with such an engagement portrait.

“Right? Isn’t he dreamy?”

Sierra’s face cramped and she made no comment in reply, so Marietta embraced the portrait and continued the conversation ecstatically.

“But, as I thought, the gentleman himself is so much more fan-tas-tic. Hey Sierra, I wonder if I will be able to meet with Sir Belvant today?”

“That’s right, if Mister Adlan is able to free up some of his time after lunch, someone will come to let you know.”

“How wonderful, I want to see him soon. And then, when we are married, Sir Belvant and I will be able to spend even more time together, right?”

“… Please forgive me if I have already said it, but I feel you spend a great deal of time together already.”

Sierra, who had come to know a new aspect of Belvant after Marietta’s “Breast Nurturing Proposal”, wore a weary face. What would happen to Marietta when that sullen lecher of a general obtained her in her entirety, Sierra wondered.

Right, that event is already on the horizon. The princess ought to be instructed on nightly matters. Especially since there’s no mistaking that that general is taking advantage of the princess’ ignorance through that ridiculous pretense.

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