Can't keep my eyes off you - Aleksi x Joonas (sfw)

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Aleksi felt how his eyes slowly started to get heavier as he replayed the same section of the track over and over again.

He had been adjusting the compression on his bandmates vocals for hours now, but somehow he still wasn't satisfied with the result.

Today somehow everything seemed to go wrong.

It all started when Tommi's car broke down. The drummer had been stuck on the highway to Oulu for hours. As if that hadn't been enough trouble already, Niko had been feeling really sick and apparently nearly threw up. At least that's what Aleksi thought since he had never seen Niko looking this pale throughout their many years of friendship. This day was jinxed, normally the dark-haired one would have finished editing Joel's and Niko's vocal tracks hours ago.

The boy with the black hair closed his eyes for a moment. As much as he wanted to get this song finished today, Aleksi knew it wasn't meant to be. His head was clouded after all the hours he had been sitting infront of the big screen and from time to time he heard a ringing noise in his ears, indicating him that he was extremely exhausted.

"For fuck's sake." He mumbled and removed the big studio-headphones from his head with a quick motion, throwing them across the table.

"Giving up already?" Aleksi winced once he heard Joonas' voice behind him loud and clear. He was surprised that the guitarist was still with him at the studio. As far as he remembered, the others already left two hours ago.

"Yes, it's pointless." Aleksi let out a long sigh, an expression of his desparation, and turned around to face the man with the tousled blonde hair. Surprisingly Joonas was standing directly infront of him when he turned around which made the younger one shy away at first.

"What, you're scared of me now?" Joonas lips formed a big grin. The blonde one was looking at Aleksi through his bright blue eyes, smiling mischievously. His curly hair formed a little mess on his head, the endless hours he and Aleksi had spent at the studio left visible traces.

The younger one really didn't want to know how he was looking right in that moment when he found himself captivated by Joonas' intense look. His black, otherwise so fluffy hair, was probably all over the place by now.

"I'm just not used to seeing you from that close up." Aleksi answered, his eyes wandering down on Joonas' body because he somehow didn't have the courage to look into the guitarist's blue eyes for even one more second.

Joonas was everything Aleksi always had aspired to be. He was a genuinely fun guy, the man with the curly blonde hair knew exactly how to use his strenghts to his advantage. The guitarist was naturally loud and cheeky but he somehow always remained handsome at the same time. To Aleksi it didn't come as a surprise that Joonas was being the one who had the most luck with girls out of all of them.

"You think this is close?" Joonas lips escaped a brief laugh. He was slowly bending down, until his face was only inches away from Aleksi's. The dark-haired one didn't know where to look first. His eyes kept shifting from the older one's bright blue eyes, to his full lips and on to his bare chest that was revealed under his halfway unbottoned flannel shirt. The piece of fabric was sitting loose on Joonas' body and Aleksi suddenly found himself confronted with the intrusive thought of ripping it off of Joonas' torso.

That was until he felt a hand grabbing him by the collar of his black shirt, slowly starting to pull lightly at the soft fabric. Joonas was giving the black-haired one an incredibly playful look that Aleksi couldn't handle, so he turned his head to the side as he felt how his cheeks flushed in embarassment. He was embarassed because he liked what was happening to him a little too much, as he feared.

"There's no need to be shy now, mh. I mean did you really think I wouldn't notice all the times you were staring at me with your big puppy eyes?" Aleksi felt how Joonas' hot breath was hitting his neck. The guitarist's low tone of voice immediately sent shivers running down his spine and the black-haired one had to swallow.

Although he didn't want to admit it to himself, he knew Joonas was right. The past few weeks and months all Aleksi felt when he looked at Joonas was deep confusion which was why he couldn't keep his eyes away from the older one. Something about him was captivating Aleksi, something about him made the DJ question everything he thought he knew.

"I-" The younger one desperately tried to find the right words but he didn't get very far. Joonas roughly pulled on Aleksi's shirt, forcing him to lift himself up from the chair until he was standing more or less face to face with the man that occupied his mind.

"Look at me." Joonas agressively growled and Aleksi felt how the fingers of his opponent slowly wandered from the collar of his black sweatshirt up to his jaw. The older one's soft touches felt so good on Aleksi's skin, he felt how he was starting to burn from the inside out when two of Joonas fingers strongly applied pressure under his chin, forcing the dark-haired one to look right into those beautiful eyes. Those eyes that were looking at him just so flirty.

"You know I'm really lucky that it's you who can't keep his eyes off me. Because you know what?" Joonas moved his face even closer to Aleksi's. The fingers that had been pressing up Aleksi's chin, now were lightly placed around the younger one's throat. Aleksi could feel how his skin was heating up even more, he was sure that his face was as red as a tomatoe by now.

He wasn't able to bring up one full sentence, let alone a word. He was just standing there, overflown with emotions that came crashing over him once Joonas got so dangerously close to him "I can't keep my eyes off you either." The guitarist murmured.

The next moment Aleksi felt how Joonas was pressing his plump, full lips on his. That lips he so desperately wanted to taste ever since the older one started to just slightly brush Aleksi's cheek with them everytime they said hello to one another and Joonas pulled him into a tight hug.

One of Joonas' hands was still sitting loose on Aleksi's throat, while the other one was finding his hip to pull the dark-haired one even closer until their bodies collided. Joonas was kissing him passionately, his lips felt like pure heaven and with every second that the two smacked their lips together the warm feeling in Aleksi's lower stomach grew more and more.

Joonas started to apply a little bit more pressure onto Aleksi's throat and in addition to that pressed his fingers deep into the smaller one's flesh as he moved their bodies even further together. Aleksi let out a muffled whimper against Joonas' lips as he felt a sharp pain traveling through his body, caused by Joonas posessive and violent grip on him.

Then finally Aleksi felt how Joonas stopped digging his fingers into his hip, instead the blonde one was now burying his fingers deep inside the younger one's black hair. Without hesitation Joonas broke away from this kiss, forming his hand to a fist and roughly pulling his friend's head back until Aleksi's neck started to hurt. Joonas other hand proceeded to squeeze the dark-haired one's fragile throat, causing his lips to escape another high-pitched whimper.

"Now I hope that gave you a little motivation to finish the track." Joonas whispered right into Aleksi's ear, his lips brushing softly against the smaller one's skin.

Joonas grip on Aleksi loosened. He playfully pushed his bandmate back, who was breathing heavily. His cheeks were glowing in a beautiful red and his blue eyes were almost glassy in the light of the sunset.

Joonas knew that the black-haired one didn't know what hit him when Joonas grabbed him and connected their lips. And Joonas didn't really know either what hit him when he decided to roughly kiss his friend. All he knew was that it felt incredibly good.

Author's note:
Hey y'all. Someone requested an Aleksi and Joonas oneshot and I got a random burst of creativity in the middle of the night so I am once again uploading at 3am, my bad.

Also I wanted to let you know that the Joonas story will be coming. I will probably upload the first chapter during the next few days. I'm already so excited.

I hope you liked this OS. If you have any specific requests you can write a comment or send me a dm and I'll see what I can do.

Thank you for reading :).

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