His Burning Touch ✨💞🖤

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i really like this song, it's my new obsession, so enjoy!

Summary: Sero has a condition called touch starvation and Iida is the first to notice, so he helps Sero with it.

Sero's pov

Sero was cold. The kind of cold that made everything burn and ache. It was a numbing cold. it made him want to curl into himself and cry. Of course, he couldn't do that, so instead he put on a sweater, smiled, and said that he was fine.

He was diagnosed with a severe case of touch starvation when he was 4. It meant that if he didn't get at least an hour of physical touch, he would literally starve. Albeit, slowly, but that was kinda worse. It was a disease that 1 in every 10,000 people suffered with, so it wasn't very common. And even then, most didn't have it as bad as sero.

For most, if they didn't get their hour of physical touch, they got a chill, and quickly made up for the lost touch. But for Sero, it was like an instant case of hypothermia.

His parents were poor, so they worked as much as they could in an attempt to provide for their only son. However this often left him alone for hours on end without someone to take care of his need for human contact. So as a child, he would sit on the couch shivering until one of his parents got home, usually around 11:30, and even then, most of the time they ignored him out of exhaustion. Food never really helped, and besides, his family never really had a lot of it.

Consequently, Sero learned from a young age how to substitute hugs with heavy clothes, cuddles with layers of blankets, and soft caressing with his own hand. Of course it didn't actually help with his touch starving, but it was better than sitting alone calling out for someone who would never be there.

He would normally wait until he was literally on the verge of starving before going to his neighbors(who knew about his condition) and get the physical contact he needed from them. They thought it was a little weird, having a 15 year old occasionally come over asking for a hug so he wouldn't die, but being good neighbors, never complained.

Of course now, he was at the dorms. Surrounded by his classmates. Who didn't know about his condition. And he never planned to tell them. I mean, what would he even say? "Oh hey guys, I actually have a rare disease that makes me literally need human touch to survive?" yeah, no.

But things don't always go according to plan, and that's not always a bad thing.


"Ok class, since we've been learning about rare diseases this past week, today you're going to be learning about touch starvation and the effects it has on people." Mr. Aizawa said, getting right into it.

Oh shit, sero thought. I should probably look like I have no idea what that is. Sero took a quick glance at his classmates who seemed really into everything Mr. Aizawa was explaining about touch starvation, minus denki, who had short circuited during hero training.

~~~~time skip brought to you by my laziness~~~~

Sero was so hungry. He felt light headed and he was so cold he could barely feel his hands. Or more accurately, the nerves in his hands didn't care enough to tell his brain what it was feeling. His whole body was aching, begging and desperate for any kind of touch. Anything, please, it seemed to beg, please, I need it.

Instead he just wrapped his jacket around him tighter and tried to ignore his body screaming for contact. He hoped it played off as cold. I mean, he was cold. So very, very cold.

"You ok bro?" Kirishima asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine, I'm just a bit chilly." the ravenette quickly replied.

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