Casting the Shadows

Start from the beginning

Wanda knew Natasha would have been the best person to help her with figuring out what exactly her magic was capable of. She would probably have joked around with her saying her new suit that seemed to materialize out of thin air after completely transforming into the Scarlet Witch was tacky and laugh at the headpiece. Of course, she would do all this with a smirk, letting Wanda know she was playfully joking and truly admired the transformation Wanda had undergone during her time in Westview. 

A tear slid down Wanda’s face at the thought. She would never get those moments with Natasha. Not after she selflessly sacrificed herself for the universe in order for the soul stone to be retrieved. That’s who she was, a selfless person who did what she needed to do for the people she loved. She hated talking about herself like that, saying she had done bad things in her past and downplaying the person she was at that moment, but Wanda knew the real person behind the mask and had admired her with a passion.

Wanda wiped the stray tear away from her face, focusing on the task at hand. She decided she would try again to push the boundaries with astral projection. After reading further following the failed attempts before, she learned that to truly project, the mind needed to let go of the concept of space and time being a concrete continuum. There were multiple universes, some very similar to their current reality, some drastically different. The astral form could project to any of those universes.

This was not an easy concept for Wanda to understand. It was hard to think of different realities occurring when her own was difficult enough to comprehend. Wanda truly tried to understand it though, knowing astral projecting had been achieved by at least one person she knew, so this concept must have some truth in it. 

Wanda sat down, focusing on the boundary she had not been able to cross in her previous attempts, and felt her projection leave her physical body before opening her astral eyes and seeing the physical form still sitting in the chair. This was a good start. She moved in her projected form to the boundary, tentatively hovering to the spot she had been unable to cross previously and was delighted when she had not been forced back into her physical body. This was progress. She pushed herself forward, wandering aimlessly around the area until she decided she was at a good stopping point for the day, not wanting to overexert herself. 

With the pride from her accomplishment still radiating from her, Wanda decided to go to bed and start afresh the next day, perhaps pushing the boundary further by trying to go to another country instead of just a few miles from the cabin. As she closed her eyes, she couldn’t help but to think about how proud Natasha would be of her accomplishment, though downplaying the excitement with some jokes and comments like, “it was about time,” or an exasperated “ finally .” With that thought, she closed her eyes, thinking about the woman she missed with a passion.


Wanda opened her eyes to dark rocks around her. The sky was an unnatural red, perhaps not from Earth at all. She wandered around the area aimlessly, wondering where exactly she was. She was at the base of what appeared to be a large incline leading to a cliff or mountain top when she heard a familiar voice coming from the peak. “For the last five years I’ve been trying to do one thing: get to right here. That’s all it’s been about. Bringing everyone back.”

Natasha. She knew that voice from anywhere. That was Natasha and this must be Vormir. Right before she- no, she wouldn’t allow that to happen. Not again. Wanda flew up the peak in a second, not wasting time and focusing solely on the woman’s voice she had heard. She reached the peak in time to see Clint and Natasha fighting to get to the edge before the other could. She wouldn’t let that happen.

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