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After the 2 boys were done eating Taehyun was taken back to his house. "Thanks for today. It was fun." Taehyun smiles. Beomgyu nods. "Yeah yeah. It's just for you to get back to work." Beomgyu scoffs. "Gyu..I may need some time off work..uh...is that fine with you?" Taehyun ask looking down. Beomgyu looks at Taehyun and tries to understand him. "Well since you are my friend now..sure. I'll be fine with just a little bit of my salary cut off." Beomgyu says understandingly. Taehyun looks at the younger and let's out a warm smile. "Your not as bad as I thought" Beomgyu smiles and nods. "You aren't either."

The two boys headed back to Taehyuns home as it was getting late. When they arrived Taehyun was about to head in. "Uh wait Gyu?" Taehyun says before going in and turns around. Beomgyu looks at the blonde boy. "T-thank you." The younger says and smiles. Beomgyu nods and waves.

The next day lol

It was around lunch and Beomgyu was eating alone this time. His friends were absent. Well...except for the hot one. Taehyun. Taehyun sits next to gyu seeing him lonely. "Hm?" Taehyun waves and opens up his juice box. "You looked lonely so I came to join-"the younger says. The brown haired boy shrugs and looks at his uneaten sandwich. "Eh. I'm fine." Fine? Oh well damn ok Taehyun thought. "You have a shift later?" Beomgyu nods and sighs. "Ughhhhh it's the same poser but different angle. it's getting very annoying." The boy says. Taehyun chuckles a bit at his reaction. And so the boys continued eating.  After soon they had some free time so they headed to the field under the bleachers 😏.

"Ew I hate the bleachers-" Taehyun says. Beomgyu looks at the younger in confusion. "Why?" Taehyun moves in disgust. "It's so dirty under here- and a lot of kissing scenes happen in movies here." Taehyun says. Beomgyu giggles and nods. "That is true I will have to say. But it's not necessarily bad. It's just...gross." Beomgyu says (but yet your gonna be under Taehyun pretty soon- I MEAN WHAT)

Taehyun laughs aswell. "How's your grades?" Beomgyu ask. Taehyun shrugs. "It's ok. I'm trying to get my health back up and uh try and get back into modeling." He says. Beomgyu nods and replies, "right. Your a big famous celebrity everyone loves. I understand. But doesn't it get tiring?" Taehyun looks at gyu. "No ones ever asked me that before. They always thought I was perfect." Taehyun says. "Well no ones perfect. Obviously you get tired at one point." Beomgyu says looking down. They sat in silence for a minute. "I am tired. I love my job but I really am tired. But I love to see my fans happy. When they're happy..I'm happy." The blonde says smiling with his dimples out.

Damn. He's cute.

LMAO LONG TIME NO SEE- hahahaha I'm so sorry.. uhh things aren't the best but I'm trying ! Sorry again

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