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Breakups can be a pain in the heart
Which causes two people to fall apart
One goes on with their own life
While the other tries to make what they shared back right
The rude one in the relationship really didn't care
He blocked, deleted and unfriended her not even for a dare
Envy turns to hate and she wants to kill him so
But people say move one but her heart  has turned so cold
She will get him back, even if she has to be bold
He better watch out for what's coming his way
Because all soon enough this could be his last day
Breakups are apart of life we all know
But for some of us just can't let that one person go
We'd go to the extreme to hurt the one we onced loved
Just because they broke our heart so we need to let them know
Even if that means cutting off their fingers till they are nubbed

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