Deadly Holiday - Excerpt from First Chapter

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"Jennifer, you know how excited I am about this baby.  If I comment on your size, it just means I'm hoping for twins.  Or how about triplets?"  A grin teased the corners of Tim's mouth.

Jennifer groaned and threw a sofa pillow at her father as he eased into the recliner.  Truth be known, Jennifer didn't care if she had one baby or three, just as long as they were healthy.  She and Blake had already decided to fill their home with children — as many as they could afford.

Megan leaned over to kiss her daughter on the cheek.  "You look beautiful, honey.  You've got that happy glow that pregnant women get."

"Thanks, Mom.  I am happy.  I can't wait until this baby arrives, and neither can Blake."

"Are you still telling your doctor you don't want to know if it's a boy or a girl?" asked Tim.

"I want it to be a surprise — the best holiday surprise ever."

"Yeah, I get it.  But I sure would like to know.  It'd make it a lot easier to choose those sports-related Christmas presents I've been eying."

Megan rolled her eyes and said, "This baby isn't even born yet and you've got it playing sports."

"Lean toward soccer, Dad," said Jennifer.  "Blake and I are hoping he or she will want to play soccer.  It turns out we both played in high school."

"Where's Blake?" asked Tim.

"He went to Michael Brandt's office to pick up Shawn Isaac and take him to the courthouse.  Today is John Isaac's hearing, and Blake wants to be there for Shawn," Jennifer explained.  "I just wish I could have been there, too.  It's going to be tough for Shawn to testify against his father."

"Honey, your doctor has you on bed rest for a reason.  You're not going anywhere," said Megan.

"Blake really likes that kid," Tim began.  "I think the feelings are mutual. Did you know that Shawn requested Blake for my Buddy Program that pairs children-at-risk with law enforcement officers?"

"Yes. Blake really enjoys spending time with Shawn,” she answered.  “They made lasagna together last weekend." Jennifer smiled as she glanced at the numerous presents under the tree that were for Shawn.  He'd become a frequent visitor, thanks to the Buddy Program.  "He is a very special little boy.  I think he owns a piece of Blake's heart, and mine, too."

"Too bad about his dad," said Tim.  "What kind of a man beats his wife and five-year-old son?  I hope the judge throws the book at him.  The last thing that little boy should be doing this time of year is telling a courtroom filled with people how his father abused his mother and him."


It was an overcast day with puffy snow clouds dotting the gray sky, as Blake walked Shawn through town to the courthouse.  Shop owners spared no expense in the glistening ornaments and glittering lights gracing their store windows, capturing the curiosity of small children.  Shawn paused before each, his eyes filled with wonder.  Blake's heart clenched as he speculated about what kind of Christmas the little boy would have at home.  He'd heard that Shawn's mother had lost her job and was drinking again.  Blake was going to ask Eve if she and Shawn would join his family and friends for Christmas dinner.  Everyone was gathering at Tim and Megan's Victorian home, and there would be children with whom Shawn could play.  The little boy had stolen his heart.  He'd do anything to make Shawn’s life better, happier.

Blake felt a tug on his coat sleeve and found Shawn had stopped before a storefront filled with shiny, new toys.  Wordlessly, the little boy stood staring inside the shop window.  He reached for Blake's hand and held on. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2014 ⏰

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