That night

"We should cage the place stick to the routeen we have time" mika said 'we also have her"eight said " can you look" eight said to me i nodded "he's watching tv" i said 'is he alone' she said "i saw him no one else" i said "good enough for ,me" eight said "me too" Dottie said "lets do this thing" sunshine said "keep it running we tail back" eight said ans we got out and walked in

We unlocked the door and walked up to him"hello ray' eight said and he's was trying to turn the tv back on "Jesus Chris" he said and tryed to run "sit down please i said sit " sunshine said chucking him on the saet "just please just take what you want" ray said "oh we will" Saxel said "where your wallet" Dottie said "bed room my bed room" he said "come on" she said pulling saxel to the room me and eight take are masks off 'do you remember us"eight said he shook his head then the light flicked and "what about us do you remember us ray" eight said making him see us as kids and he fell to the ground "you hurt mama" i said and lunched him in to a wall " please in just what they told me to do he said she was sick" he said "you had a choice ray and you chose to follow a man you knew was evil "eight said i was about to kill him when "wait wait i can help you find him" he said "find who"eight saids " Brenner I can take you to him" he said "papa is gone" i said " no he isn't he's alive" he said " do not lie to us ray" eight said 'am not" he said "I trusted him" he said "I'll take you to him" he said "if he is alive elven will find him just like she found you" eight said "do it elven" eight said "do it" she said I strayed him with my powers " not too Quick he wasnt so Generous with your mother" eight said then i saw a picture of him with 2 little girls and stoped 'what's wrong" eight said "what's wrong"she said again'we got a problem" Saxel said " kids in the apartment" dottie said "please' ray said "did he show your mother mercy no"eight said "he took her from you without hesitation" she said "please dont" he said "we gotta go eight they called the cops"Saxel said "we finish this first" she said "eleven now" she yelled "please no" he begged then she got her gun out and was about to shoot him i flung the gun out of her and and we heard sirens and ran to the van

"If your wanted to show mercy thats your choice but you ever take away mine ever do you understand" she said i nodded and looked out the window

I sat in the room when eight came in "may I sit" she said and came and sat " i was once just like you you know that but thats why am hard on you because i see in you my past mistakes" she said "they where kids" i said think rosa would say they same thing " dose that excuse that mans sins were not also children i rember thta day i cam tot hw rainbow room ned you went there only rosa so when rosa exaped i did too and i ran away as far as i could it was there faraway i found a place to hide a family like rosa did a home just like you and the police,man and rosa and her brother but they couldn't help me son eventually i lost them to so i Decided i need to play the part to stop hiding to use my gifts agents who hurt us your now faced with the same choices eleven go back in to hiding and hope they don't find you fight and face them again' eight said " face who" i said 'the man who calls himself are father" she said 'papa is dead" i said "that man to night disagreed'papa said "your not really" i said " all this time you haven't looked for me why because you thought i was dead or because you cant fight" he said "go away" isaid "you have to confront your pain you have a wound eleven" he said "get out of my head" isaid " and eventually it will kill" he said ' GET OUT OF MY HEAAAAD" i screamed crying "this isn't a prison eleven your always free to return to rosa and your police men or stay and avenge your mother let us heal are wounds together " she said and left

I hugged something rosa gave me

Flash back third person pov

"Hey eleven maybe we can call you el for short" rosa said smiling eleven nodded


Flashback 2

"No el your not the monster" rosa said after eleven saved her

End flashback 3

"C-c-comprises" eleven said "yeah it like hafe and hafe" hopper said


Flashnback 3(not an episode and didn't happen in the series)

"Привет(Hello)" rosa said eleven looked at her confused "it means hello in Russian"rosa said "you try Привеt"rosa said "П ППривет" eleven said "yeah Привеt Now try and guess this"rosa said "ты мой лучший друг эл " rosa said eleven was confused yet again "it means your my best friend el" rosa said hugging eleven (AN:yes rosa knows Russian she also knows Spanish Dutch and greek but she fluent in Russian and Spanish)


elena pov

Then is as sucked in to a dream land thing "что это(what is that)"rosa yelled in Russian she taught me what it meant "rosa ROSA where are you" screamed

Out of dream land

I heard banging and looked and and saw police "they found us" she said pulling me then Sahel was about to say something then she told us to be quiet and she made an illusion like rosa could then told us to run we ran to the van and there where people saxel shot them and we good behind then van eight made an illusion and they got in "eleven get in" she said the dreamland played back " am sorry but i have to go back my friends are in danger" i said "this is no time to chat" Sahel said "your mother sent you here for a reason remember we belong together there nothing for you there eleven they cant save you" she said "no but me and rosa can save them" i said and walked off 'eleven ELELAVEN" she yelled as I ran crying i got in a bus " you alright sweetheart" a woman said "'you where looking a little alone there mind if I join you' she said and sat next to me 'you are awfully young to be trailing alone aren't you" she said 'and you are quite the chatter box" she said " so where you heading" she said "to your perants i hope" she said "am going to my friends arm going home " i said



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