Some Catching Up to Do

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"He's here," Enneas said to himself.

He gave himself a moment to rehearse the protocol he made a few years ago in his mind, to stop his panicking. He turned to a rather large machine on his desk, pressed a few buttons, to purge the data he had stored, data that should have been erased when he fled. (Why couldn't he? For a trace of sick, twisted nostalgia he still had? A feeling of pride?)

He had been storing data since the time he gave up his day job to become a hitman. If the data purge didn't work, he would start ripping the pile of machines apart, and if that didn't work too, he would have to start praying.

The machine began to sizzle and fizz as the data purge reached its completion, releasing a pungent smell resembling burnt flesh. He would not let them take anything here.

Then, he began to strip away every trace of evidence that pointed towards another lifeform living with him. Easy. He shoved away some of his son's belongings into a niche he had made long ago, while the gravity of the situation sunk into him just as fast as he hid the cot. He could use these to buy some time later.

A series of light and rapid footsteps approached the door, he turned around to see Achillean, hair unskillfully cut into dusty, choppy locks and his face smeared with sand. He looked at Achillean's hands, yet there was no stuffed toy to be found. Enneas' heart sank; the loss of his son's only companion would only bring more distress to the boy.


"I know. Pack your things. It's time to go."

He turned back to his small room of devices as the little boy scampered to his room, swiping an assortment of survival kits into his rucksack.

Flicking a few buttons on his computer, the signal broadcaster activated and Enneas said a few panicked words onto the screen.

While Achillean was keeping himself busy by hiding anything his dad didn't manage to, he made out a few words from the conversation happening in the adjacent room:

"He's coming for me, you have to get here--."

He didn't know what the future had in hold, but he hoped that meant he and his father could finally leave Tikath for good. He walked out of his room before his father kneeled in front of him in the doorway. Achillean looked up, expecting nothing more than his father's sombre eyes.

Enneas looked into his son's eyes. Then there was a long, cold pause. Soon, the memory of a juvenile Achillean and his escape from Hyperion City flashed through, it was a painful pang, it was cold and chilling down into his bones.

Maybe it wasn't as good as Achillean thought. Maybe his father would leave him. Maybe this time it would end in shambles.

"Remember, Achillean--" Enneas was never good with words, he was more of an action-oriented man, but he spoke in such a way that showed he chose each of his words carefully,

"Know that even though the world is messed up, and your path will always be alone, your ambition will guide you. Do you understand?"

But Achillean didn't understand, what child could possibly understand about the darkness of the world? Then he retraced the words, savouring them again, saying something that would have left a better impression on his son instead.

"Whatever I do, I do it out of my love for you. Because I'm proud to be your dad, Achillean." He held the small figure in his arms. feeling a warmth he wouldn't feel again.

"I love you, dad."

"I love you too, son," There was an only softness in his voice. "Now go."

Achillean abruptly stopped. "You have to come with me."

"I'll be at the rendezvous soon. But," Enneas paused, "I have business that I must put an end to. Alone. I'll be there as soon as possible,"

Achillean only stared at his father, confused while his body was trembling, and Enneas tried his best to control the damage, "I promise." --Don't hold on for too long, don't give him time to think, don't give yourself time to reconsider-- and Enneas pushed the boy away from him. Enneas watched as Achillean teetered away from the house, leaving Enneas alone with his homestead of 9 years.

The house was empty, devoid of his son's traces. Enneas soon left the house, and let go of the Enneas who had been Achillean's father for those years. With a deep breath, he put on the mask of Daybreak, and let his past surface onto his skin again.

He realised he had made a choice, a choice that would keep his son safe if he succeeded. 

Guided by Ambition (CANCELLED) (A Songs of War AU Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora