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A/N: So this book has 130 reads so far! I'm glad people are reading this! ☺️
Ahhhh this bed is so soft. Judging by the light it's at least 5 am, I have time to sleep. Wha-
" Morning y/n!!!! Training starts today! So get dressed and meet me outside!"
It's literally 5 in the morning Mitsuri, why so early.
" ok see you then Mitsuri"
I'll change right now, wonder what the weather is like. Alright time to go, Mitsuri really does have a nice house. Theres the door ! Ahhhhhhh why is it so cold! Oh were in the mountains. Duh. Mitsuri's POV
" oh y/n your here!"
Y/N looks very pretty in her outfit. I going to train her, but can I? Yes I can I'll just do my best!
" So y/n, do you know how to use a katana?"
Ok.. This is going to be lots of work. Time to explain.
" So y/n, I want to pass love breathing on to you for you to use when you become a demon slayer. I couldn't learn flame breathing from master rengoku so I developed love breathing. In order to use Love breathing I need you to be really strong and flexible. There are 5 forms for love breathing. First form: Shivers of first Love, Second form: Love Pangs, Third Form: Catlove Shower, Fourth form: Swaying Love Wildclaw, and Fifth form: Cat- Legged Winds of Love. After lots of training you'll go to something called the final selection. If you survive that, which you will you will officially be a demon slayer. Got it? "
She didn't need to explain all that. Cause I already knew all that. It's fine, my main focus should be on not dying. It took Tanjiro 2 whole years to do his training. Wonder what he's doing right now-
" give me 35 push ups y/n!! You can do it!"
I have no chance but to listen to her.
" Good! Now do 50 then 100. Then do 45 Curl ups then 20 jumping jacks. Run 5 miles and then lift some weights."
Can I really so all that my arms are already sore from 20 push ups.
" After that I'll teach you how to use a katana, our schedule will be like this. Training from 5 am to 5 pm."
------------------------------------------------------------ Its been one week of training. My whole body is very sore. My P. E teacher wasn't even that bad compared to this. Every day is nothing but train Mitsuri is cheering for me while she trains me. I am always having a nice meal after training is over. I am actually learning how to use a katana. It's now been 1 month I now am a little more flexible and stronger. I'm just laying here in bed. It's 6:30, my whole body hurts I miss my parents. I sound like a little kid, but I am still a kid I guess I'm only 13. Mom and Dad probably think I'm dead or something. I miss you guys. Training to become a demon slayer, why? I have nothing else to do. Ever since it striked 12 in 2019 December 31, my life has forever changed. 2020 was hard, but I pushed through. So I can push through this.
" oh no! y/n! Are you ok? Why are you crying?-
Mitsuri's POV
Huh!? y/n is hugging me. Oh noo poor girl. She's just crying on me, I wonder whats wrong.
" Mitsuri, thank you for giving me a home to stay in."
" Your welcome."
I don't know what is going through that mind of hers, but I hope she's ok. I don't know her whole background, but I wish her the best.
It has been 5 months I actually learn the first love breathing form. I can handle running 5 miles. I don't struggle as much in weight lifting.
1 year. 1 year. It has been 1 damn year. It was full of time with Mitsuri, training, and sometimes crying. But I seriously learned 3 out of 5 forms in love breathing. I can tell I'm getting stronger. I focus so much on training now I just need to learn to do some more hand combat. Time flys-
1 year and 3 months.
1 year and 4 months
1 year and 5 months
1 year and 9 months
2 years......
" y/n we have known each other for 2 years. You mastered all of the love breathing forms. You push yourself so much.  Hard does pay off.  This is proof of that. The final selection is around the corner. It's this Friday actually.  We should celebrate your hard work by eating some f/f!! And we could go relax in hot springs and eat more food!"
" Sounds fun Mitsuri!"
Wow. It's been 2 years since I've been Isekaied here to the world of demon slayer.  I celebrated My birthday twice without My parents. I am now 15. I feel old- if I was back home I be in high school.. Anyways my main goal is to keep the hashira alive. I think I got this.
Sorry if the time seems rushed. There was no way I'm writing chapters about 2 years of y/n training. So yeah final selection next chapter.
Have a great day/night! 😁

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