Chapter 2

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[Cami has just answered a knock on the door, but her smile falls when she opens the door and finds that it's Lucien standing on her doorstep]

LUCIEN: You were quite the hero today.

CAMI: I'm sorry, did I get in the way of your big bad revenge scheme? You can't come in.

LUCIEN: No, of course not. You're a vampire now. The lease would be in someone else's name...

CAMI: [smugly] Goodnight, Lucien.

[Cami goes to shut the door, but freezes when she hears what Lucien has to say next]

LUCIEN: ...Of course, you'd want that person close-by, in case... a friend popped by for tea. Neighbors are close by. Of course, it couldn't just be any neighbor. It'd have to be someone whose presence was reliable. Perhaps someone who worked from home? Not Gregory on the fourth floor-- he's moving out next month. Or Letitia, 7B, she's agoraphobic. But Stephanie, just down the hall...?

CAMI: [angrily] You leave her alone.

LUCIEN: Well, that's going to be difficult, seeing as I've already killed her. So, you see, I can come in.

[Cami unwisely attempts to slam the door, but Lucien easily breaks through it and walks inside. Cami backs away from him, but when he keeps walking toward her, she attempts to fight him. He blocks both of her punches with his hands, grabbing her arm and vamping-out before sinking his double fangs into her arm, causing Cami to scream in pain]



[Following from the previous episode, the floor is cluttered with destroyed items of Cami's and a photograph of herself and Kieran is shown. Cami is lying on the floor of unconscious when Lucien stands from the sofa and opens the curtains]

LUCIEN: Ah, all the makings of a lovely day.

[Lucien walks around Cami towards the kitchen and turns on the gas, putting the kettle over a cooker ring, the clatter awakens Cami who immedeitly looks at the bite on her arm in horror and sits up, gasping. Lucien smiles over the bookcase and walks towards her]

LUCIEN: Ah, Camille! Finally awake! Perfect. You've got a big day ahead of you.

CAMILLE: You bit me.

LUCIEN: And sampled quite abit of your blood, actually. Very tasty, although more bitter than I expected.

Camille: Oh My God Im gonna die

LUCIEN: Yeah, apologies. But, to be honest, your days were numbered the moment you caught Nik's eye. 'Tis ever thus for those who get close to the bastard. Myself excluded.

[The kettle whistles, signalling it's boiled and Lucien turns around]

LUCIEN: Ah, care for tea?

[Lucien returns to the kettle and Cami quickly starts russling in her bag]

LUCIEN: Oh, please Cami. Have you not learned? If you try to fight me you will always lose.

[Cami throws the Devils Star towards Lucien, which embeds in his neck covering his body in short lacerations, distracting him as Cami runs away. Lucien pulls out the star and it drops to the floor as he slowly turns around smiling. Cami makes her way outside and stops against a wall to check on her bite, before heading towards the Mikaelson Compound]

MIkealson Masion

[Cami is shown quickly hurrying into the Compound, panting]

CAMILLE: Klaus?!

[Klaus almost immediately appears before her]

KLAUS: What is it?C

AMILLE: Something happened and you're going to be angry, but Lucien wants you to be angry. He's trying to lure you into a trap

.KLAUS: What did he do?

CAMILLE: Promise me you won't fly off the handle and do something crazy. Promise me.

[Klaus turns his head and sees the bite on Cami's arm. He takes her arm and pulls up the sleeve, examining the bite]

CAMILLE: Before you lose it... Klaus, look at me. I love you. And I won't let you get yourself killed.

KLAUS: Camille-

[Cami faints and Klaus catches her. Cami holds Klaus' face between her hands]

CAMILLE: I just need you to know.KLAUS: I can tell you I love you tomorrow.

[Klaus picks her up and carries her further into the Compound]

KLAUS: You're not dying today.

Few Hours Later

[Camille is sat on the sofa, looking around wearily, looking considerably paler than before and seemingly cannot hear Hayley stood beside her calling her name. Freya and Klaus are near the doorway talking quietly]

HAYLEY: (muffled at first) Cami, Cami? Cami, hey. Are you alright?

[Hayley walks towards her and sit on the sofa opposite]

CAMILLE: Yeah. Considering.

[Klaus turns around from Freya carrying a cloth and an open jar, Freya following behind him]

KLAUS: Hold still. This is going to burn.

[Klaus sits on the sofa next to her and takes her arm, pressing the cloth to her bite. Cami gasps in pain immediately as the substance on the cloth irritates the bite]

CAMILLE: Ow, ow, what is that?

FREYA: It's a healing salve. Motherwort, white willow bark, the recipe's over a thousand years old.

Camille- NO! Harry

Hayley - What are you-Who are you calling Camille's amulet glows they all step back

Camille - HARRY!

Harry Shows right in front of her

Harry - I heard you call I was hesitant but I came what do you need Fiona

Camille/ Fiona- Can you heal this

Harry puts his hand on it and it heals right away

Camille - Thanks Harry(she gets up and kisses him on the cheek)

Harry teleports away Klaus Growls Freya looks at her

Freya - she is perfectly fine how-

Camille- he is a friend of mine more of a brother kind of but for now I'm focused on killing Lucien the bitch almost killed me

Hayley - How are we gonna do that his bit kill's even originals

Camille - Oh honey I have friends

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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