[nineteen] for the actors

Start from the beginning

"Do not," Todd  mumbled one last time before Stephen threw a sweaty sock at him. He shrieked in pure horror as the wetness clung to his cheek. Stephen cackled uncontrollable, holding onto his stomach. Sigrid seemed to be piqued, being ignored by them.

"What do I do with Charlie? It's been a while, and I like him but I just can't make myself fully fall into the rhythm of it all. I don't know how to feel."

"I say you get out of this hellhole."

"You two are like ice and wine," Stephen mumbled just loud enough for Todd to hear.

"Yeah, everyone knows not to put ice in the wine," Todd shook her head in disapproval. "You two are like water and oil."

"Like paper towels being used to dry the ocean," Stephen added.

"Like dogs and people who are deathly all-

"You guys are so mean," she sighed in annoyance but then laughed, "We're not a common mix. It's frowned upon, not recommended. Otherwise impossible to a common person's eyes," Sigrid stopped for a second or two. "He's actually really sweet," she looked down at her hands, refusing to blush in front of them because she knew she'd get hell for it. "And considerate. And selfless. I totally painted him the evil way. And he's really not."

"Really?" Stephen leaned forward in curiosity. "I'll-set-your-clothes-on-fire-if-you-don't-give-me-the-trig-answers Dalton?"

Sigrid nodded, "After everything went down...I really grew to hate him. Like want to throw him in the Grand Canyon type of hate. He was unbearable, and it always felt like he had it out for me. But then it slowly started to change, I took time to reflect on everything and I forced myself to go to that dinner I was pretending I didn't have pending. And I wasn't scared of Theresa like I thought I would...I was actually pretty confident when I responded to her. He...he told me he loves me."

Stephen and Todd  decided to sit on the floor to continue the current spill coming from Sigrid's heart. "And I love him too. He had a plan to told yall about, I want to go through with it," she looked around uneasily.

The boys furrowed their eyebrows in confusion, "Where would you even go?"

"If I got to run away I'd go to Acapulco, the legal drinking age doesn't matter in Mexico," Stephen whispered. "Mojito by the beach? Yes please."

"He used to call me Bambi, and I hated it at first but then it turned into me saying I despised it while the butterflies in my stomach debunked my every word. He's protective, I like that. He's not afraid to say what he's thinking, or do what he's planning on doing, he doesn't live life with expectations. Everything about him is new, you can't read him like a book and already know how it's going to end. We kissed three time, the night he said he liked me. He was comforting me when Knox tried sticking it out for me for not knowing why Chris didn't show him the interest he wanted,"

"And I know I'm dramatic sometimes, if not all the time," she peered up at the roof as the boys looked at each other knowingly. "But the entire time he was trying to get me to explain I was thinking about the one relationship I did have. How cold his hands were...how he constantly made me feel like a child for doubting him. All the gaslighting...it became too much and so I ran and Charlie ran after me. That's when I found out he liked me, and I really liked him back. It all went away when I chased after him and kissed him in the snow. It felt like a movie. I felt our breathing sync, I felt his heartbeat against my hands and his hair swishing on my forehead. It felt like I couldn't get enough of him. He was something amazing that happened to me, and it went away because of Theresa. I hate her. I despise her. I wish she would die."

The silence was overwhelming to her, he did not sense the discomfort as he stood across from her with his arms folded across his chest. She hadn't seen him in a considerately long amount of time, she assumed he would never step foot on Welton, but as he stood in front of her waiting for her to speak she realized she was mistaken. "Sigrid, it's rude to keep company waiting."

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