Dom merely lifted his can of beer in the air whilst Alex was organizing the last set of bills and placing them back into their envelopes along with a few cheques after Dom was finished signing them.

"We're good, Letty, thanks," Alex decided to respond when he saw Dom making no effort to.

Back at the counter to the front where the regular was sitting, the last man of the group, Vince, went and rudely slid an ash tray at the man that was eating.

The blonde haired man said nothing as he simply looked up from his plate towards Vince, not even a little bit intimidated.

From further within the shop, Leon and Jesse were busy watching the whole thing unfold.

"Ah, he is beautiful," Jesse commented.

"Yeah, I like his haircut," Leon also instigated as he ate a pack of chips, fully well knowing that Vince could hear them both.

"Vince," Mia tried calling out to him as she saw the two men competing in a stare off, "Vince!"

The man in question looked at her, "What?" he asked quietly.

"Can I get you anything?" Mia asked him as she was trying to defuse the situation at hand.

"You look good," Vince completely disregarded what was said, prompting the stranger to look at him before getting up.

"Hey, thanks a lot, Mia," the stranger paid for his meal, "I'll see you tomorrow."

As the stranger was walking away, Vince was left confused as he looked down, "Tomorrow?"

"Oh, I love this part," Leon said to Jesse as they both saw Vince get up from his table and stalk after the man that they only knew worked for Harry.

"Yo! Try Fatburger from now on. You can get yourself a double cheese with fries for 2.95, faggot," Vince followed the stranger across the street as he went to his van.

" I like the tuna here," the blonde haired man responded without giving Vince so much as a glance.

"Bullshit, asshole. No one likes the tuna here," Vince still persisted in trying to start something.

"Yeah, well, I do," the stranger was about to open his van's door, but Vince had other plans, he roughly shoved the man into his van, whom immediately punched him on instinct.

As the fight was going on outside, Alex and Dom were just about finished with everything they were doing when Mia suddenly got their attention.

"Jesus Christ, Dom--Alex! Would you guys get out there? I'm sick of this shit! I'm not kidding! Get out there!" Mia immediately went to the two men in the back.

Dom and Alex both got up from their seat and moved over to get a closer look.

"What'd you put in that sandwich?" Dom asked after a second of noticing the fight taking place.

"From the way that Vince is getting his ass boxed out there, I can definitely say it's not just her love and affection," Alex mused with a smirk.

"That's really funny," Mia quipped as well, still waiting for the two to step in.

"Guys!" Letty shouted to get their attention now as well.

"All right, we're on it," Dom said to his girlfriend as he now turned to Alex and nodded in the direction of the fight outside, "Let's go."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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