75.- It's Just You And Me

Start from the beginning

They were at the back of the forest with what seemed to be a professional photographer taking moving pictures of them giggling and showing off. They were having the time of their lives and that was all that mattered. "Can we get the bridesmaids in the pictures?" We all walked up to the photographer and his assistants gave us each a bottle of champagne. "Stand next to your respective bride ladies" We did as we were told, Charlie quickly giving me a hug and then running back to Harper, if that woman got even one more gram of serotonin she would definitely explode like a popped balloon. "When I say three, the bridesmaids pop the champagne in direction of the brides. Understood?" We nodded in acknowledgment and he went back under that little curtain picture thing. "One" I pointed the bottle at Charlie. I had never popped a bottle of champagne before. But how hard could it be? "Two" I tried remembering everything I saw about how people popped open bottles of champagne. But nothing came up. So I had to use plan B...A little magic wouldn't hurt anyone. "Three!" "Relashio" I spoke the spell as quietly as I could, and it worked. The cork flew out, spraying champagne all over Charlie and Harper who were clinging to each other for warmth against the ice cold champagne spraying at them.

The flash momentarily blinded us and the champagne ran out. "Excellent!" They brought back Charlie and Harper's wants and they dried each other after being doused in champagne. "Party time!" Harper screamed excitedly, her bridesmaids following her lead and running after her through the woods where the photo shoot had taken place. I expected Charlie to follow them but she hung back, slowly walking back with me. "Congratulations" She smiled, twirling her wedding band around her finger. She seemed much less nervous and anxious than before. Maybe it was because Harper couldn't back out anymore, well she could but it involves a lot of legal businesses and time. "Thanks. I can't believe it that I'm finally married" She kept raising her hand towards the sun, the ring shining in the afternoon light. "So what's next? You met her less than a year ago and are now married. Do I wait a month and I become auntie Y/N?" (A/N: Another funny story: my siblings always introduce me as aunt or some variation of that to my nephews but they just call me by my name 😂 I feel old if they call me aunt) She sighed, biting her lip with a small smile. She had been hiding something and was about to confess on what it was, oh boy.

"Actually, we've started to talk about adopting a kid" I wasn't expecting the answer, I knew Charlie liked moving fast but I thought that she might slow down now that she was married. I was wrong, but if it made her happy I was happy as well. "Have you thought about what you want?" She shook her head, her dress getting stained by the leaves and dirt below, we'd clean that later. "We actually thought of some names" She blushed looking towards her stained dress, embarrassed. Whoever couldn't tell what emotion Charlie was feeling by just looking at her, was truly not looking at Charlie. "What names?" She peaked up when I showed interest, I could only imagine what other people had told her about having kids that early in the relationship. "For a boy we thought about Vitale or Anastasius" I nodded, silently keeping track of the names she spoke. "They both mean life. And Vitale is Italian" She nodded. "Well we both started new lives when we met each other, and it's also a way of honouring everyone who's lost their chance to live theirs" If I was a sentimental person I would've cried at the thought process behind the names. "That's beautiful. And for a girl?" She kicked a nearby pebble, the venue now being visible behind the tree tops. "Harper likes the name Ava, but my personal favourite is Zoe" (A/N: Who likes breaking the fourth wall and giving spoilers? Who likes breaking the fourth wall and giving spoilers? That's right. Me 😎) "I agree. Zoe is nicer" The venue was finally visible in front of us. I stopped Charlie with my arm and cleaned her dress, it going back to its original pearly white and lime green. "Go greet your guests as an officially married woman" She gave me one last bone crushing hug and ran inside. I trailed behind her, mentally preparing myself for all the curios guests.

"Wanna bet?" An Oliver Wood x reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now