My friends

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Hi, I'm Austeja, and I'm 13 years old. I'll tell you a story about my friends.
So when I started going to the first grade I met this girl, let's call her Maria, so Maria was a really caring and talented person, but turns out that she's not. So in 1st,2nd and 3rd grade everything was going as normal except one day in 4th she literally didn't talked to me and went and sat with other her friends when I was there alone. And I though "uhh maybe she's just sad or something" but then a few days passed and she didn't even texted me or even said hi at school. I realised that she just don't wants to be friends with me, after 2 months she told it herself. So I decided to just ignore everything and just be friends with myself. I found a really great singer and she really did helped me at the time I was sad and sometimes happy, her name is Camila Cabello, Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao. I've never met her, but her music and everything she's saying is helping me so much, her meditation is helping me with my mental health and stuff, her songs helped me after my breakup and she's just a really helpful, beautiful person. Okay so back to the story, when we were in 5th grade her friends left her so she decided to come and try to be friends with me again, and I was fully  healed so I decided to give her another chance. Everything was going on great until in 6th grade she did the same thing, except she didn't came back, she literally got back with those old friends and they all made fun of me, shamed me, laughed at me, spread fake rumours about me, sometimes even hit me. And because they were hitting me I even started to flinch when other people around me put they're hand up, because I can't control myself, like I feel like they'll hit me. So anyways then I was really heartbroken and after that my boyfriend broke up with me cause of the fake rumours that Maria with her friends spread, and I was at the lowest point of my life ( I was 13)  but what helped me was Camila, with her music and stuff, and now I'm still not fully healed but I'm still healing. I won't ever give her a chance, because it really hurt, she even gave me freaking trauma, I cried every single day!!! Thanks for listening, that's my story💕

My friendsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz