Curing Headaches | Long Way Around

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You laid in your arms by your desk while the Sidekicks of the agency roamed about in the large space. Every other day you wouldn't mind the ambience of the workplace, but now it was incessant and grating noise. It only knocked against your skull. You groaned in the dark, drifting in and out of sleep, waking to feel that strain against your temples.

"Love?" Spoke Todoroki, feeling his hand upon your shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Todoroki found you unmoving, and unresponsive in your shoulders. You refused to lift your head, deciding to stay in the darkness of your arms against the desk.

"What's wrong?" he continued. "What can I do?"

"Aspirin," you spoke softly, your breath heaving from the pain. "And water."

You felt his hand leave your shoulder, unsure whether he was still standing by your side or not. Still, the sounds of the office didn't help your situation until you felt another hand on the square of your back, rubbing it in circles.

"Love, I'm going to carry you into one of the suites upstairs," informed Todoroki.

You groaned, hoping he could understand the protest in your voice, but nevertheless, in old Todoroki fashion, he didn't take the hint. You felt your body pull up from the desk before his arms swept you off your feet. With your head heavy, you leaned into his neck, shutting your eyes from the flood of light everywhere. You tried to envision Todoroki's route to the suites, knowing he had to cross through the large office floor, into the halls and take an elevator ride up.

Every once in a while, you felt nauseous from the movements and the voices greeting Todoroki where he walked. You nestled your face into his neck, hoping the dark would ease the queasiness. And then that elevator ride. Your hands clutched onto Todoroki's outfit, tolerating the sweeping pain that travelled to and fro in your skull. It'd be over soon, you thought, as soon as Todoroki found a bed for you, it'll be over.

As soon as Todoroki exited the elevator, he made his way down the hall, with a couple of turn offs. You hoped you were close to a bed with each turn, only finding that Todoroki would make another to shatter your hopes a little.

"We're almost there," he spoke, his somber and gentle voice calming the tension a little.

Eventually, you heard him approach a door, clicking it open before he made his way to the bedroom. The smell of fresh linen caught your senses, and the sounds of the office no longer rang in your head. However, you smelt the scent of mint and eucalyptus in the air, almost close to his cologne.

"Stay here for a while," spoke Todoroki before he laid you in bed, finding that scent wafting into your senses. "I'll grab the aspirin."

You never once opened your eyes, only feeling Todoroki's presence in the room, before you came to the realization that you were in his suite - one that was set aside for him should he have late nights at the agency, patrol or not. You curled in his sheets and covers, still with a throb in your head but with the comfort of his scent nearby.

The dip in the bedside caught your attention before Todoroki lifted your head from the bed, helping you up with aspirin and water in hand.

"Thank you Shouto," you spoke after taking the medication.

"Stay here for as long as you need," spoke Todoroki before he kissed you atop your head, his lips tender against your skin. "I'll come back for you at the end of the day."

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