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Alessandra pov

"Buongiorno papa, come stai?" I told my father when I entered the dining room for breakfast with Karla on me. (Good morning dad, how are you?)

"Buongiorno bella, sto benne." He replied and kissed my head and Karlas when we sat next to him. (Good morning beautiful I'm good)

"How's my little angel?" He says looking at Karla. She is only 3 months so she doesn't know how to talk so I talk instead. "She's been crying all night, she didn't want anything till i gave her a top I stored away that Alejandro had left."

He looks at me sympathetic. "She wants her father, like you want him back." I start to get a bit angry, "I don't want him for all I care he can rot in hell. He doesn't even know if she's born or not, or if I kept her." I am about to walk out until papa says something.

"There's a job I want you to do. You have to plan how to steal the Russian mafia's shipments. They have been trying to destroy us for the past couple of weeks and I had enough of it. Be careful bambina (child) because they are bigger then our team." Dad gives me a worried look, I understand why because they are twice the size of our mafia and I have a child.

I have been in training since I can remember. My brother Mirco is the heir since he's the oldest but I still have a say in stuff. Most people here don't take me seriously and I get it, it's not because I'm a girl it's because I got pregnant at 16 and they think I'm to young to be a mom which I am. But after Karla was born I started training again and 3 months later here we are ready for a mission.

"papà non c'è bisogno di preoccuparsi, if you want we could join with another mafia to help your worries I will do it. I just need to see if Valentina could take care of Karla when the time comes. (Dad there is no need to worry)" I start to get up and head to my room.

Valentina is Alejandros mother (Karlas grandmother) she was pregnant the same time I was and we helped each other with the pregnancy. Even though her son wasn't part of it she insisted to stay apart of Karlas life as her nonna.

Once I arrive in my room I go and get myself and Karla ready for the meeting that is going to take place at 3:30. Papa is going to contact another mafia and ask for their help, he said something about a friend that wouldn't want this family to get hurt I don't really know, I kind of tuned him out after a bit.

In the meantime I went to the gym, had a shower, wore a white blouse with jeans and black heels while Karla was asleep wrapped in her father's shirt. I had lunch and prepared for the meeting. It was still 3:00 and the meeting is in 30 minutes time so I decide to prepare the meeting room for the other mafia, which I still don't know who it is. After I got the room ready I got Karla and done her lunch so I could feed her during the meeting.

It's 3:30 and the other mafia is arriving. I still haven't seen my father since breakfast so I didn't have the chance to ask which mafia is coming to help. I sit down and put Karla on my lap and I give her my dagger which has the cover on so that she could play with it while I give her, her food.

I don't notice the room was filling up until I feel a presence staring at me from across the table. I look up and see someone I recognize with his mouth wide open. It didn't click straight away but then I realize that he is Alejandro's best friend and he is part of the Spanish mafia which Alejandro is apart of.

My mouth opens in shock when I start to see the other mafia members enter, even Matteo Alejandro's dad is in the room. Everyone accept his family look shook that I have an infant on my lap. I am hoping that Alejandro doesn't come because I swear to good I will throw something at him so that he bleeds.

I sense a presence by the door and I look up, a pair of green eyes that I could never forget look back at me, it's Alejandro and he looks shocked and scared at the same time. After a few seconds he looks at Karla and it's like he is combining the dots and his mouth drops open.

I don't even think before I grab the dagger from Karlas hands and throw it to his right shoulder. He looks angry but not surprised. Just as he is about to say something Karla starts making a fuss because I took away the dagger, she truly is her mother's daughter. I look at someone to see if they have a dagger I could use and see Juan (Alejandro's best friend) has a dagger.

"Juan give me you're fucking dagger now", I say in the most threatening voice. Karla is full on crying and she doesn't want food so I just look at Juan while he hands me the dagger. I give the dagger to Karla and she calms down.

"You can't give an infant a dagger she could cut her self." I hear Alejandro's deep voice tell me, I don't even look at him I just go back to feeding Karla while she plays with the dagger. He says nothing the whole time he just looks at me and Karla with a look I never seen on him.

After the meeting I was the last to get out because Karla was whining and I didn't want her to whine near the guest. We leave the room and as we leave someone grabs my arm. I see Alejandro there looking at me and Karla once again.

"Is she mine?" I look at him like he's stupid  "No she's Juan's you dumbass." I answer him sarcastically, "You kept her?" He tries to reach out to touch her but I moved her away before he gets the chance to. "Yeah I did, but you wouldn't have known that now would you."

I try to leave but he speaks again. "It's not my fault I left, I was only 17 I wouldn't know what to do. I was scared I'm still scared I'm only 18 it's not easy to be a father you know that." I see red with how angry I am I march up to him and slap him across the face.

"You mother fucking asshole I was 16 when YOU got me pregnant, I was scared shitless being a mother at SIXTEEN and guess what I never once needed you then so I sure as hell don't need you now. And do you know how it is being a mother as a teen I just turned 17 last month do you know how much it hurts to see her without a father. But FUCK YOU go back from whatever hole you came out of because we don't need shit from you!!" I'm in his face and I see hurt on it.

"It takes two to make a child you know so don't blame me." He says calm as ever. "What's her name?" I look at him and turn back to leave. "WHAT'S HER FUCKING NAME ALESSANDRA I'M NOT PLAYING, I DESERVE TO KNOW ." I turn and slap him again. "You don't deserve shit. Why the hell should I tell you? You left us, you didn't care last I checked or do you need me to replay the voicemail I have on my phone."

Hope you like it don't worry I'm going to continue this chapter in the next one.

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