~Meeting Class 1-A~

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Izuku and Tenya got up and put on plain black clothes. Izuku wore a black crop top with black ripped jeans and a black mask, Tenya wore a black hoodie and black ripped jeans as well with his black mask. Someone knocked on the door, it was a nice lady that took care of them. " Wow, you guys look.... Gothic, but nice", the lady said. " Thanks, Lailah~chan", Izuku said. " I'm gonna miss you guys", Lailah said. " We're gonna miss you too", Tenya said petting Izuku's head. " Well, someone is here to pick you guys up, let's go", Lailah said.


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They went to the front and saw pro hero Eraserhead. " Here are a few things you shouldn't do", Lailah started. " Don't split them up, because they will go insane, don't offend them in any way, don't ask why they have mask on, and don't ask them why they wear all black", Lailah said. Eraserhead nodded. " What you should do is, check on them at night, make sure they don't hurt anyone, and make sure they have their injection before school every morning, they may seem chill right now, but when they see other people it's a whole different story", Lailah added. He nodded again and motioned the boys to come with him. But before that they hugged Lailah in hopes of seeing her again and went with Eraserhead.

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They were in his car, Izuku fell asleep on Tenya's lap in the front seat. " So, you guys are pretty close, huh?", Eraserhead asked. Tenya nodded in reply while rubbing Izuku's back. " Does the name problem child offend you in any way", Eraserhead asked. " Yeah, a little", Tenya replied. " We like to be called by our first names, or any name that doesn't make us feel bad about ourselves", he added. " Do you guys get told things you don't like in the asylum", Eraserhead asked. " A lot of times", Tenya said. " We are just shocked that a school like UA would allow us to be there", Tenya said. " Well, you can call me Aizawa or Shota, your choice", the man replied. Tenya smiled knowing they would be okay.


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They got to UA and Aizawa showed them their dorm room. " Class starts in 10 minutes, I'll see you there", Aizawa said and left. Izuku looked a little upset so Tenya decided to talk to him. " What's wrong, Bun", Tenya asked. " Do you think anyone's gonna like me", Izuku asked looking away. Tenya turns his face his direction. " of course, you are so sweet and kind, even if they don't, you still have me, but I doubt they won't", Tenya said giving Izuku a kiss on the forehead. " Let's go", Tenya added.


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At the classroom, they got there after everyone else. " Alright class, we have two new students, please intro-", Aizawa started until he looked at Izuku and Tenya. Tenya and Izuku not paying any mind to the class just being themselves and forgetting everything. " Guys", Aizawa said. They stopped and looked at him, then they looked forward at the class. " When/how did we get here", Izuku asked a little panicked. Tenya pats him on the head to calm down. " The name is Tenya.... Iida, and this is Izuku.... Midoriya", Tenya said trying not to get mad at the last names of him and his friend. " Please don't call them by their last names, apparently they don't like it, do you mind answering some questions", Aizawa said. Tenya shook his head no. A girl with brown hair raised her hand. " Uraraka", Aizawa said. " Why is Izuku so cute, just a compliment", Uraraka asked. Izuku looked at Tenya knowing he didn't like it even if it was just a compliment and hugged him. " T-thank y-you", Izuku said. A blonde raised his hand. " Bakugou", Aizawa said a little concerned. " What is in your pocket?", Bakugou asked. Tenya reached into his pocket and pulled out a remote then looks at Izuku. " Uh", Izuku said trying not to get scared. Aizawa took it and placed it on his desk. " Don't worry about that, one more question", Aizawa said. A girl who was pink raised her hand. " Mina", Aizawa said. " Why do you guys have collars", Mina asked. They stayed silent clearly not wanting to answer. " Sorry if I offended you guys", Mina said. They nodded and looked at Aizawa. " You guys can sit in the back of you'd like", Aizawa told them. They went to the back and started doing what they would normally do.


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In the hallway Izuku and Tenya were hanging out near their locker. Uraraka and a boy with yellow hair walked up to them. " Hey guys", Uraraka said. They waved kind of afraid of what would happen.

This is part one of 'meeting class 1-A' hope you enjoy

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